Plagues, Plagues and Plagues Everywhere
Copyright 2006 Words of Life and Health
God is Cursed
He ceases His intercession in the sanctuary, His wrath is kindled against those who worshiped the beast, his image, and had his mark. Plagues are poured out on the people, some had sores all over their body, while others had no water to drink or to bathe in because the sea turned into thick blood and the rivers and fountains flowed with blood. The sun plagued the people with its scourging heat of fire, and darkness filled the beast’s kingdom; in fact, the plague of darkness was so thick that the people gnawed their tongues because of the thick painful darkness. The great river Euphrates was dried up and Armageddon begun. Finally, the last plague that was poured on the people was hailstones. Each hailstone weighed about a hundred pounds and the people cursed God because of the hail of the plague.
Why are you still sleeping?
Did you know that angels are being commanded to pour out the vials of God’s wrath upon the earth? The first angel was told to pour and when he poured a foul and loathsome sore came upon the people who had the mark of the beast and on those who worshiped his image. And when the second angel poured out his vial on the sea, the sea became as the blood of a dead person (that is, thick). As a result of this, every living creature in the sea died. When the third angel poured out his vial on the rivers and springs of water, they became blood. These plagues will be more severe than those that fell upon the Egyptians, thousands of years ago. After the third plague, the angel of the waters praised God because He had judged those who shed the blood of saints and prophets justly and that those people were receiving their just reward.
Wake up!
The fourth angel poured out his vial on the sun and power was given to the sun to scorch the people with fire. And the people were scorch with great heat; as a result, blasphemed the name of God. Then came the fifth angel with his vial and poured it upon the throne of the beast and the beast’s kingdom was full of darkness. This darkness caused pain to the people and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain. And the God of heaven was blasphemed because of the pain of the plagues.
However, when the sixth angel poured out his vial on the great river Euphrates its waters dried up so that the way of the kings (rulers) from the east might be prepared. But what these rulers and the world did not know was that they were being controlled by evil powers who were initiating to battle against God Almighty. And the rulers will be led to fight the last battle in a place called Armageddon.
Last Plague
This is how it will happen according to the word of God. The seventh angel is commander to pour out his vial into the air and when he did so a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven; from the throne saying “It is done”! Then, there were noises, thunder, lightings, and a great earthquake. This earthquake will be so great that never before has the world experienced such a mighty earthquake. As a result, the cities of the nations fell and God remembered great Babylon (earth), to give her the cup of the “wine” of the fierceness of His wrath. The Islands and mountains went into oblivion, and great hail fell from heaven upon men and each hailstone weighed about a hundred pounds. Again, the people blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail and because the plague was so awful.
Don’t let me catch you sleeping
Remember I’m coming like a thief and those who watch for me are blessed because they will be doing my will, such as loving and caring for each other in every way possible. To the God of mercy such act of punishment is called a strange act because He has “no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but He will by no means clear the guilty”.
Fearful Time Ahead
There will be mourning in the earth because there will be no food to eat and the seed will rote under their “clods”. The beast groans and the cattle is perplexed because they have no pasture. The rivers are dried up and fire devours the pastures. Instead of songs of praise in the temple there will be “howling” and many people will die.
Sounds Like Fiction!
Unfortunately, it’s not fiction, but will be reality one day and if the plagues have not yet began to fall it will not be long now before it does. How do I know this? Well, because the signs of the times in our generation tell us that the earth is ripe for harvest. Also, Bible Prophecy tells us that when we see certain things taking place in our world and in quick succession, they will be indicators of the end of the world. Some of these signs are: lawlessness, children having children, disobedient to parents, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, and many more, such things we see in our world today. Therefore, search the word of God for yourselves and gives your hearts to Him and He will save you not only from the dreadful plagues, but from eternal death, which means Eternal Life with Him.
About the Author
Veronique Belmar write books on Biblical Prophecies, Health Books, Children's Books, Poetry, and many more. At the age of fourteen she started reading the Holy Scriptures. She read the Bible stories, such as the creation of the world, death of Christ, the resurrection, Christ's second coming, the judgment, Bible prophecies, and many more, and her writing is based on giving information that would help bring hope, joy, peace and happiness to others. Veronique Belmar is author of Words of Life ( )
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