Dental Implants In Contrast With Other Options

by Mark Miller

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants recently published that dental prosthetics are way cheaper when compared to the traditional tooth replacement procedure. Even though, when viewed the other way round, conventional tooth replacement methods appear to be cheaper, in reality that isn't the case.

At the moment, dentures and dental bridges happen to be the favourite among those seeking to replace lost teeth. However, this equation is set to change anytime soon with the introduction of a better solution in the market, dental implants. There are many benefits and factors that make dental prosthetics cheaper and affordable than traditional teeth replacement techniques.

Longer Lasting

A popularity of dental prosthetics is growing now more than ever. It is because people are finding them reliable and durable for they last longer than other teeth replacement options. In the past, people were limited to dentures because patients had to wear them for a limited number of years. But with the changing economic times and the need for reliable and sustainable technology, dental prosthetics have come out as the best solution to this problem. Tooth replacement patients are looking for solutions that will outlive the value of their money, and dental prostheses are the perfect answer.

Lower Price

Data collected in a period of ten years by the Australia Dental Council found that modern dental prosthetics are much more affordable that traditional prostheses, which are even more affordable for those replacing a single tooth. Dentists are now favouring dental-type implants over a dental bridge because they are way more affordable and present less trouble when replacing a single tooth. Bridges are notoriously known in the dental world for increasing the risk of getting gum diseases and getting the remaining teeth infected as well when you replace one tooth.

Less Maintenance

The biggest benefit you stand to gain is the easy maintenance style they have to offer. When using dentures, you are required to get them off to periodically clean them. It can be a strenuous and tiresome task especially if you live a busy lifestyle. With dental prosthetics, you will have no problem cleaning them. They are designed to fit like a permanent solution and thus come easy to clean. You will have less work in your hands for they are cleanable just like your natural set of teeth. With that said, you are encouraged to keep in touch with your dentist even after implantation as part of maintenance.

Clearer Speech

Perhaps the major difference between dentures and dental prosthetics is that the latter offers clearer speech compared to the former. Dental patients who have had dentures before using dental prostheses can tell you how easy they find pronouncing some words naturally.

What Is Your Favourite Meal?

Unlike other dental prosthetic methods, dental-type implants allow you to eat whatever you like or want without the fear of harder edibles dislodging in the prosthetics. Designed to be permanent, the implants remain intact in their place. It gives you the comfort of enjoying whichever meal you wish with no worries.

About the Author

Mark Miller has worked at Dental As Anything for the better part of his professional life. He has various qualifications in the dental field and is a valued staff member of Dental As Anything. Visit us at for more info and services.

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