Improve Your Relationship By Dumping 5 Killer Mistakes
Are you like millions of other people who've endured the frustration of relationship breakdown? Perhaps you're disillusioned with love because relationship after relationship never lasts. Here are 5 reasons as to why many relationships breakdown to help you form lasting, happier unions.
One of the most destructive forces you can introduce to your relationship is guilt. Guilt is used by to exert control over someone to gain more value. It works by reminding your partner of their shortcomings - an affair, a mistake, comparing them to "better" people in other relationships, keeping score of all their failings no matter how slight - to achieve a desired outcome. E.g. "Bev is such a great wife to Mike, she always has a nice meal ready for him when he comes home. You obviously don't love me because you never cook for me." It is such a nasty game, it really is. Never play the guilt game with partners, and never accept such poor behavior. Guilt has no place in a loving relationship - ever.
Without doubt, the single worst way to spoil your relationship is to be argumentative because you need to be right. This is DEADLY. Argumentative people will argue to the nth degree until they "win" about everything and anything. They will not listen and consider their partner's viewpoints and will rarely if ever compromise. Any criticism, even if fair and justified will be met with defensive and sometimes angry responses as the need to be right overrides the need to compromise and improve the relationship. Try not to get into silly, futile arguments and remember that winning arguments isn't the objective, but what is best for your relationship - if you want it to last.
Effective communication between lovers is a cornerstone of every successful relationship. Communicating wants and needs clearly to each other reduces misunderstandings and confusion and brings clarity. But many people have a somewhat silly notion that their partners "should automatically know what I want" and get frustrated and angry when their partner doesn't deliver. OK, as much as you wish, people are not telepathic mind readers and expecting them to be is unrealistic. So let each other know your wants and needs clearly and in a non-demanding way and watch your relationship grow stronger.
Routines can kill relationships in double quick time, they are that bad. OK, we all need a certain amount of routine in our lives but when there is so much routine life becomes totally predictable, the boredom critter creeps in and eats away at your relationship. Imagine being in a relationship where you do the same things each and every week, nothing new is tried, no excitement, no adventure, no buzz! You know what happens to a garden if it isn't watered? It withers and dies. That's what's happening here. Make the effort to keep the spark alive by doing and enjoying new experiences and keep the boredom critter away!
Clinginess is such a harmful trait. Clingy people spoil their relationships by suffocating their partners by always being with them. Having a clingy partner is like owning a love-struck puppy that follows its owner everywhere. And when their owner isn't around, separation anxiety sets in. It is bad for man to be with a woman like this but boy-oh-boy it is a million times worse when a man behaves like this with a woman. And if you've ever been socialising and your clingy partner dogs you all night, you'll know how stifling this is. Have the confidence to be your own person and allow your partner space to breathe. Your relationship will be all the better for it.
These super tips will strengthen your relationship and both you and your partner will enjoy long lasting happiness and a deeper loving bond.
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