How is Adult Hearing Loss evaluated?

by Tanja Kelly

Of the estimated 28 million American patients of hearing loss problems, 54 % adults older than age 65 suffer from significant hearing loss. This makes hearing loss the third most frequently reported chronic medical condition in America. To determine whether adult hearing loss has occurred in grown ups, audiologists conduct different tests for a complete hearing evaluation. After confirmation of the hearing loss problems, adult hearing loss is treated by a variety of methods including hearing aids, aural habilitation, and cochlear implantation etc. Hearing loss in adults is caused by a number of factors including infection or disease, drugs, continuous and excessive exposure to noise, trauma, or aging process. Sometimes the hearing loss is accompanied by ringing in the ears, sometimes there is no ringing.

Who Should Take a Hearing Loss Test?

Anyone who suspects some degree of hearing loss should undergo hearing tests. Most commonly people come to doubt the efficiency of their hearing when they start experiencing difficulty in correct understanding of conversation between persons or on phone. People who have a family history of adult hearing loss or those who are exposed to loud noise during work should also have their hearing checked. Following tests are included as part of the comprehensive hearing test.

Pure Tone Testing

In this test, the audiologist will ask to report hearing a series of tones after your ears have been plugged with foam plugs. The softest sounds that you can hear are plotted by the audiologist who will also test you for several different frequencies with a bone conductor.

Speech Audiometry

Two hearing tests make speech audiometry. First, you will be tested for the softest level at which you are able to repeat words, usually of two syllables. The second test will check your ability of comprehending speech at a moderately loud level of listening.

Acoustic Immittance Measures

This adult hearing loss test determines the movement of the eardrum and that of the middle ear by placing a soft plug in the subject’s ear. It detects any problem in the eardrum or middle ear that may cause hearing loss.

Acoustic Reflex Testing

The acoustic reflex of the subject is tested by presenting several loud tones after placing a soft plug into each ear canal. By this means, the function of the middle ear is thoroughly tested.

Specialized Hearing Loss Tests

Based on the audiometric testing or the subject’s own particular case, the audiologist may suggest specialized tests including: Auditory Brainstem Response, Threshold Auditory Brainstem Response, Electrocochleography, and Otoacoustic Emissions.

About the Author

There are many ways in which you can test your hearing loss. If you want to learn more about Hearing Loss, author of this article, Tanja Kelly, has made an informational website about Hearing Loss and Causes Of Sudden Hearing Loss

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