Corporate America's Scary Pension Tactics. Why You Should Look Online To Insure Your Future.
Let me ask you a question. What's your freedom worth? How about your livelihood? Lately floating around in the headlines United Airlines has cut pension benefits causing mass concern to blue collar workers in the United States. The court ordered decision to support such cuts has led many to believe that it won't be long before other companies follow suit.
Has the long held belief that pensions are safe been challenged? You bet! It happened right under our noses. The really nasty policy changes and business tactics that you are seeing today actually started in the 1990's. If you'll notice since the enactment of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) companies have shifted their focus more and more towards cutting costs and reducing liabilities.
And guess who's a liability? YOU ARE! What's the bottom line in corporate America if not corporations around the world? Increase profit no matter what the cost. Or in United Airlines case commit highway robbery in the name of exiting bankruptcy court and remaining competitive. How sad this is. It used to be that in America one could come to expect certain things like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. AND companies rewarding their employees for life long service.
Well it no longer looks that way. Corporate America seems to have rewritten traditional values with those of their own. You can now count on corporate business practices to be even more cut-throat than ever before and you can expect corporate executives to slash everything in sight except their own wages.
With that said more and more people are looking to the Internet as a way to earn income as it is primarily residually based. Affiliate and network marketing is a godsend to someone just had his pension slashed in half. Social security? Forget it. If you're part of generation X you will likely never see a dime. Multi-tier affiliate programs have been such a hit that it's likely in the foreseeable future that will either conform or perish.
That's good news to ALL affiliate marketers. But this good news raises some pertinent questions. Do you want to have a recurring residual income for life? A website on autopilot with a guarantee of a stable monthly income? Unfortunately most affiliate programs regardless of how many tiers they have are still one hit wonders.
What are people are looking for these days? Do the work once get paid for life work at home opportunities.
Network marketing has just been reintroduced into the matrix of the business world at just the right time. Finding The right program too go with can be a difficult choice with all the negative surrounding this type of business. Doing the research is still the best way possible to insure making the right decision. You should look for companies that go the extra mile to insure that you succeed. Also make sure that the company has been around a while.
If your new this can be quite a daunting decision but don't despair, there are plenty of good choices. Just ask yourself this question. How many raises have you given yourself in the last 12 months? When can you expect the company you work for to step in and take care of your family should something happen to you? Does having a good backup plan, NOT just a savings plan just become an option?
Corporate America doesn't have your best interests in mind. YOU DO. You owe it to yourself to have a backup plan that makes sense and will ensure that you and your family have something to fall back on should the unthinkable happen.
About the Author
Has the long held belief that pensions are safe been challenged? You bet! It happened right under our noses. The really nasty policy changes and business tactics that you are seeing today actually started in the 1990's..........
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