how to make money when your flat broke

by Annamarie Martin


How are you all doing?? Now we all know what its like to be broke right of course!! I know I do. All I have is time on my hands and what do I do? I research online every night and every day. If I got paid for every hour i was online i would be rich!!! HAHA ya right I wish!! I have thought of some ideas on how to make money. I really like the flea market and selling stuff you know how to do like make gel candles or blankets anything cute you think people would like!! Another thing I saw that sells is baby pooh gift baskets ebay is great!! I bet you are all thinking thats great but how do I get the money?? Cut grass if you have too sell stuff in a garage sale walk dogs babysit anything you think people need help with braide hair is another one makes good money!! so those are some ideas on how to make money with no money hope you all enjoyed my story!!

Tankyou Annamarie

About the Author

I am 24 married and have no kids and i love animals

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