How Does Law of Attraction Work?

by Aldian Prakoso

First, the law is impartial and impersonal. In other words, it doesn't have a dog in the fight. It just wants to send you more of whatever it is you desire and are expecting without judgment. The law beckons, what would you have me manifest? Think it, feel it, believe it, expected it, and it shall be yours. How simple is that?

Thoughts are made up of invisible energy particles that have magnetic properties attracting like particles clinging together to form a bigger substance. Those substances with the same vibrational energy begin to connect, allowing thought form to begin the first steps of manifestation. Breaking down the explanation even further, if you are mentally digesting images and then analyzing them and repeatedly inserting emotions onto the object, whether that thought is about your job, lover, health, fear, or success, manifestation begins.

Regardless of whether your experience is negative or positive, the invisible energy particles will start to stick to you as if you were a magnet. The more you recycle, review, and replay those thoughts with emotion, the stronger the vibrational signal to the Universe and the quicker you will receive your desire in material form.

That was a brief description, now let's move forward and deal with how the conscious and subconscious mind play a part in the law.

Where do all of those thoughts of things, objects, and experiences get stored?

Imagine your mind being a bank and the subconscious mind a vault where the deposits for the day are stored. The vault (subconscious mind) doesn't care where the money comes from, whether it's from your mother, father, job, is stolen, or from winning the lottery, all it knows is that it is saving it. The conscious mind performs more like a teller at the bank window, taking in your deposits, making withdrawals, checking your ID, and sending the information on to bookkeeping where your transactions of the day are tallied. When enough like thoughts positive or negative are deposited, your desire will be solidified and manifested. And then you are able to make a withdrawal or write a check on that account, free to enjoy all that you have attracted.


1. What do you want to manifest?

2. What will that do for you?

3. What do you believe is possible?

4. What do you really want?

5. What do you believe?


I am ready to receive.

About the Author

Aldian Prakoso is a Law of Attraction Coach and the owner of The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog. The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog helps you to achieve success, wealth, growth and health by unlocking The Secret of Law of Attraction. Get your FREE online mini-course, and Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and Wallace D. Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich ebook ($147 value) ==>

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