Boost Web Traffic With Viral Marketing

by Michael Homan

Many new web site owner's find the daunting task of web site traffic generation as unsatisfactory. The trouble is in the massive sources of information they find online concerning web site traffic. It is not so much the amount of web site traffic information, but that not all of the information is for the newbie, or those who have little to spend on a advertising budget, nor is all the information for that of the big company.

There are ways in which to break down the types or methods of web site traffic generation. I will try my best to list a few. For the newbie... Free-For-All Links or FFA's, some times called "link farms", are of little use for web site traffic. No one but the newbie usually submits to these site because they are free. And no one reads them.

If you are new to web site traffic generation and advertising, get away from the words "FREE", because that will save you a lot of wasted time. And usually in the end, "free" is not free any way.

As for web site traffic generation, the only time it's free would be in the case of click thru programs. A click thru program, called various other names, is a free service that anyone can sign up to whether they have their own web site to promote or they are just an affiliate and have an affiliate link (URL).

Plain and simple...if you have a web address to a web site that either sells something or has a email capture form, as for building an email list, then you can use click thru services.

Although click thru programs are free to join and use, one may notice that the service is free to join, but to use them requires your free time. So again, we have to look at things that say they are free. If you do find a few useful things online that are free in one form, they are costing you in some other. But this is not something that is terrible if you really want to make money or get web site traffic, because this will work.

The click thru programs allow their members to place from one to five of their affiliate links or web sites into a site rotation network. This is where lots of other individuals also advertise their products, services, or affiliate programs. After logging into their account, one simply clicks on a symbol or button once the timer has counted down to 0 to allow another web site to come up in the browser.

Each click thru program has their own ratio per click. The ratio per click may be 1:2 or 1:3, meaning an individual would have to click two or three times to get one web site traffic credit. What that means is that for every two to three sites they look at, they would get one credit, and that equals one free show of their web site on the click thru network.

The thing is, all of this sounds really great, especially when you first start with the click thru programs. But what can happen within the first day or so is that most people get tired of clicking and only getting a few credits. There are ways around this though!

I have a method that takes this grueling process of click thru programs and converts it into a massive click thru generation system that can not be accomplished by simply clicking in one, or a few click thru programs at a time. Lots of insider's have learned these same old techniques and use them daily along with other advertising and marketing systems.

The best situation for an affiliate marketer is in using a marketing technique called squeeze pages. A squeeze page is a simple, short web page of some convincing sales information with a email capture form or buy now button. The squeeze page has one purpose, to do one thing, and to do it quickly. It's to get the reader to "buy now", or give their name and email address.

In using a squeeze page one can build their email list and do backend selling. As the list would grow so would the sales. But the list must get large to balance out. The problem with a small list and in starting one...the numbers are too small. One has to figure in their statistics, that some individuals sign up for anything and are not interested, or they forget, or maybe didn't even know what they signed up for. Then there are the small amount that want what you have, and they will buy it.

In my free e-book entitled, "The Electrifying Web Traffic Generation System" I stress the importance of building a list and using the free click thru networks until one can afford to buy credits on the click thru networks. But then I also speak of other things, like using viral marketing techniques.

If anyone is interested in more information, I suggest they check out the free e-book at - or send a blank email to -

This free e-book will actually teach the newbie as well as those more advanced a method to generate web traffic for free, have a means to lots of free or low cast tips and tools on protecting their affiliate sales, setting up mini marketing systems, and building their email list into the future. All of this information is free, and it is real. I use it myself.

Picking up where I left off...being that the free click thru network's may be a good place to start for the newbie or those with less than $120 to spend a month on advertising, a bigger business may want to explore Google's Adwords. Keyword bidding I must say is for the big boys. Trying to compete with those who can spend $2.00 on one keyword and they have enough money to play the game all day long, the little guy will go broke really quick!

I suggest, no matter how many e-books and/or videos you come across online that they make it sound as if keyword bidding is easy and for anyone, stay away from the lure or the bull! Once you spend the money, it is gone. There are no guarantees that the search engines will produce results. And they sure will not help you. It is every man for himself, or herself :-)

One last word of advise that you have heard many times before, but you will probably not listen..."If the offer looks too good to be true, it is!" Always read into the whole story, and use good judgment, and you should fair out well.

About the Author

Michael Homan is a graphic designer with services for business logos, e-book covers and artwork, photoshop art, and more. Michael is also a internet marker with several e-books on generating free web traffic and setting up viral marketing systems for the nebie and intermediate marketer.

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