Ten Commandments of the Law of Attraction

by Cheryline Lawson

Copyright (c) 2007 Cheryline Lawson

The Law of Attraction can be both negative and positive and it all depends on your actions, thoughts and changes that you are willing to make. One small change can result in a postive outcome even in a negative situation.

I would like to discuss 10 things that are a requirement of the Law of Attraction to bring positive things toward you. A law is recognized as a rule and is mandatory in certain situations in order to work. The rule of thumb here is that your actions have to be calculating in order to follow the specific commandments of the Law of Attraction. To make it clearer, you must target certain areas of your life to get you to where you want to go.

1. Purpose What is your purpose in this life? Do you know what your gifts and talents are? Are you fulfilling your God-given purpose to help, encourage or contribute to the universe or society? Or do you think you are living a useless life without purpose? Search and examine yourself because without purpose, you will not attract success. Success does not just come along to someone who is not prepared or who don't have any idea where they are going. Therefore, to make the law of attraction work, you need to evaluate your life and see where you are, where you want to be, and what are the talents you have to get there.

2. Visualize Now that you have a clue of what your purpose is, you need to visualize and see yourself already there. Do whatever it takes to keep these pictures in your mind at all times. Make a scrapbook or keep a journal to remind yourself that you are on a mission to get to a place of purpose.

3. Passion Create a passion for your purpose because it is your passion that will attract the tenacity to keep you going and possibly bring people to you that can help you to fulfill your dream.

4. Perseverance Don't ever give up. There will be times when you feel like nothing is happening, but you have to be patient and in the meantime, do things that will contribute to your dream while you wait for the manifestation.

5. Courage is vital and fear is crippling, so get rid of your fears. Fear stifles your dream. Doubt will kill your purpose. Fear attracts failure, so encourage yourself if you have to and don't let anyone discourage you.

6. Desire and passion are not the same thing, but they work well together. However, desire is what you have determined that you want to happen. Passion is the excitement of what is about to happen, so don't confuse the two. Continue to maintain your desire by speaking it out aloud to yourself. Even if it looks crazy, do it. I find that a spoken word is more effective than just a thought.

7. Goals Set realistic goals for yourself and write them down. Start with your short-term goals first. You will be able to identify with a shorter plan and see the results quicker. When you write down your goals, you attract people who will see your organization skills and want to help you to get your goals accomplished. Keep focused on your purpose. Never lose sight of the path that you want to take and let that be your motivation to continue to move toward your purpose and fulfill the law of attraction.

8. Change Don't be afraid of change. Change is good. It shows that you are on your way to self-improvement. It gives you a sense of hope and attracts new friends who will identify with the change in you and want to be your friend.

9. Relationships Your new friends will help you to stimulate good relationships and it is through your new relationships that you will get to your destined purpose. After you leave your old friends behind, you attract a new future with new people who may make a better impact on your life. Sometimes we get stuck where we are because of the friends we keep; friends who don't want to change or who don't have a sense of purpose, so forming new and worthwhile friendships is another key element in following the rules of the law of attraction.

10. Gratitude Lastly, but more importantly, is gratitude. Be thankful for where you are and where you are going. There is a spiritual entity at work in fulfilling the law of attraction, so connect with your spirituality and make it known that you understand the importance of remaining humble and being grateful for the gifts, talents and opportunities that have been afforded you because without these, you would never be able to fulfill the rules of engagement. The law of attraction cannot function without these ten principles. You must be aware of your human side as well as your spiritual side because that is what will enable you to proceed and have good success.

About the Author

Cheryline Lawson is a passionate author of online books and owner of http://www.thelawofattractinganything.com/ and provides informative articles and information about the law of attraction. Go visit her website and see it for yourself.

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