How To Meet Women - Attracting Women Has Never Been Easier With An Emotional Bond

by Jason C Maxwell

"Today I saw a woman on the side of the road asking for food for her children. I was moved to stop and help her. I bought her groceries so that her children could eat. I just could not sit around and watch that child go hungry."

This is a really strange way to start out talking about meeting women. My suggestion here is not that you look for hungry people. The reason I told you that little story is to point out a very important part of socialization. Building an instant, powerful connection with a person when you meet them is important. When you read the above lines you were moved by the plight of the woman and her children. You may have visualized their struggles in your mind. I made you feel a certain emotion didn't I? Notice that the story need not even be true for you to experience the emotions associated with it.

You need to learn to elicit certain emotions from the women you meet if you want to have a chance at dating them. You need to make her feel aroused and interested or you are just some other guy with a line. Famous pick up artist Ross Jefferies uses what is called NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to accomplish this. He calls it "using technology" and it is the key to his speed seduction course.

An example of NLP goes like this. You tell a female that you want to date that you want to try a test with her. You can tell her something like it is an exercise to help her visualize. Ask her to think of the last time she felt pleasure or happiness. Then ask her where in her body does she feel those sensations now? Typically they point to their upper torso. Ask her on a scale of one to ten how good it feels. Tell her to try to visualize a color associated with that feeling. "What color do you see coming from that spot of pleasure?" you would say.

Now I want you to tell her to increase the colors in her senses. With it the pleasure increases. Ask her again how she feels on a scale of one to ten. Then tell her to imagine your touch as a paintbrush spreading this color all over. You trace your fingertips over her arm shoulders and head. Then ask her how it felt. Your new friend will most likely tell you it felt amazing. You have made an emotional bond with her. Now leave her wanting more by getting up and saying you have to leave. Tell her you want to continue your conversation with her and she will offer you her phone number.

About the Author

You can rest assured it works. These tips and many others are waiting for you. Visit Meet Women and get a free video on seducing women normally valued at $97 for free.

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