Article Marketing

by Joel Toe

Article marketing is one of the latest and most significant trends in content formation. The reason is this that articles are a great source of one way links. Article marketing is an effective method of creating long term and quality traffic to your web site. Write a decent article about your subject and submit them to the many article directories. These article directories offer free reprint articles. They make your articles available to others to pick up and post on their sites, as long as they include your author section, which will have a link back to your site. Every time your article gets picked up, you just gained another one-way link.There is one basic difference between journalism and content writing on the internet. When you are writing for the print media, you are not concerned about a particular set of words that must be repeated several times in an article. But in a web article, the keyword is one of the most important aspects.Marketing articles should be written within a range of 400 and 700 words. Some directories do accept articles that are shorter in word count. But it is not good to have too short articles, as you will not be able to say all that you want. Articles longer than 700 words must also be avoided, as they will tend to be too disinteresting to the reader.Article writing is a useful method for you to work at home and produce a good amount of income. By writing articles and submitting them through article directories, you can quickly have thousands of links pointing back to your website. By using article writing as an advertising technique, you can promote various products that you sell right in the article. Many of the article directories also use RSS feeds that allow other webmasters to automatically update their own websites with the content from the article directories. This of course automates the article broadcast process.Generally one article does nothing to increase your traffic or sales. You must put in more articles. Put them on various directories. Article marketing really can be a wonderful source of almost viral traffic, especially when the articles are submitted to the best article directories and the articles are written in a tone that encourages responsiveness.

About the Author

Joel Toe is the owner of the following article directory. Be sure to register for a free author account, and get extensive promotion for your articles!Submit Articles To: Visit their website at:

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