7 Ways To Get More Repeat Traffic To Your Site Today!

by Patric Chan

Millions of websites online can be placed in their own special category of “Deserted Town”. The only life you can find there are those of the webmasters who created them. This is because they get very few, if any, targeted visitors. For these website owners, there are simple techniques they can use to increase website traffic.

In the rare occasion the traffic company is selling legitimate, traffic targeted to your specifications, most often the traffic comes from pop-ups (which are completely dead), or some kind of ad-network whereby the visitors sit at their computer viewing pages in exchange for credits toward their own site.

While most sites see drastic reductions of traffic from May to August, certain summer-oriented sites tend to be protected from the summer burn. May, June and July kick off the blockbuster movie season, drawing millions of visitors to Cinema sites. According to movietickets.com, traffic to their site rose 66% to 600,000 visitors and Twentieth Century Fox Film reported that web site traffic jumped 26% to 372,000 visitors. For the lucky few online Cinema sites, summer’s heat fires up traffic. Buy traffic - There is one fast way to deliver traffic by the thousands to your website within 24 hours. Buy traffic from traffic brokers. Most traffic brokers show your website as a full page pop-under without the internet explorer bar on selected type of geo targeting and category.

7 Ways To Get More Repeat Traffic To Your Site

1. Make all or part of your site into a valuable directory.

Set up different sections of your site for people to submit their ezines, articles, ebooks or affiliate programs to such as marketing, writing, publishing, etc.

Your directory will not only increase your repeat traffic but will also help you to attract very targeted visitors to your site that are interested in your products or the products of affiliate programs you've joined.

2. Publish a what's new section.

This section will keep your visitors up to date on any new additions to your site and is especially useful if your site is constantly updated by you or by your visitors who submit their own content to your site.

3. Provide resources on your site that your visitors can use on a regular basis such as a search engine submitter, email formatter or meta tag checker.

4. Add a discussion board to your site where your visitors can network with each other.

Post your own tips and advice to your board along with your signature file and use your discussion board to get to know your visitors better. This will help you to continue to improve your product, copy, and service and can also help you to gain ideas about new products for you to offer your visitors.

Similar to browsers who walk into the high street shops to "Touch and Feel" the merchandise. There are many myths surrounding the art of traffic generation, often created by unscrupulous web marketers who claim they can 'double your site traffic for just $99 per month' or 'submit your site to 1000 search engines and watch your traffic grow'. Such bogus claims should be ignored if you are serious about traffic. Quality Incoming Links - Having a number of incoming links from reputable websites in the same topic area of your website is crucial. Having links from sites with Page Rank 3 or greater, will help your search engine rankings enormously.

It is common knowledge that without traffic we have no business. Like any business, without any customers you don't get sales. Traffic represents all the people that gets a chance to see what you have to offer.

5. Create a list that your visitors can subscribe to that announces to them when your site is updated.

For instance if you ran an article directory you could list the titles and descriptions of the newest article submissions to your site along with the URLs where your subscribers can view them.

You could also use your list to increase your revenue by selling sponsor ads to people who would like to advertise to your list.

6. Make polls and surveys available on your site.

Running your own polls or surveys, in addition to providing you with more repeat traffic, can also help you to acquire valuable information from your visitors. For instance your polls and surveys could be used to find out how effective your copy is and to measure your customers' satisfaction with your products or customer service.

Your polls and surveys can also provide you with needed feedback that you can use when deciding on new products to add to your product line.

7. Publish an ezine.

Your ezine will provide you with a very effective way to keep your visitors coming back to your site to use the resources you provide to them, to view your articles, and most importantly to buy your products. Provide your subscribers with special sales and discounts to increase the number of your subscribers who purchase from you for the first time and also to garner more repeat sales.

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Some free traffic exchanges may convert sales like crazy for one person, and be a complete waste of time for another. If everyone were promoting the same website or affiliate program is the same traffic exchange for example, then chances are you would not make many sales. Free SEO Elite report, and get Free SEO Elite Software today!

Never underestimate the power of link exchange. This is a low cost advanced website traffic tactic that people tend to overlook. How to find out where to do the link exchange? Easy: type your website's keywords in a major search engine, visit each and every of the top results and ask for the link exchange.

About the Author

Compare SEO Elite and get free SEO Elite Software download today at http://seoelite.trustedreviews.info/

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