Gift shopping tips for tight budgets

by karen couillard

We all have this perception that greeting cards are the perfect match to gift giving. Although true, there are cost effective ways that can help you spend more on gifts and less on greeting cards. For instance, packaged blank cards are the best way to go as you pay less per card then individually. The other advantage of blank cards is that they are not specific to an occasion and can be used for anything. You should always have a pack handy and ready to use.

Choosing the right cards can be time consuming. You must consider size when choosing your card, as the overall look of your gift is very important. The safest way is to choose small blank gift cards, as they will fit any gift. In my opinion, the Groovy-0-Grams mini cards are the best to use as they fit perfectly on any size gift and they are very affordable. For the price of one greeting card, you get six per pack and you can use the mini cards for six different occasions. Now that’s a bargain! Not only are they affordable, the mini cards are really fun to use as they focus on different personalities rather then occasions and promote positive self-esteem, which is a gift in itself.

Being prepared in advance with a pack of mini cards will save you time and money. And, when those last minute gift frenzies strike, you will spend more on your gift and less on the rest. Happy shopping!

For more gift shopping ideas and tips please log on at

About the Author

Karen Couillard is known for being an entrepreneur in the world of art and design. She owns and operates a company called Groovy Arts based on her highly popular style of art. As a highly recognized business women, artist and product designer she has sucessfully developed and launched products specializings in giftware and home decor . Her expertise in the art and design industry has led her to write several how to articles that can be found on her website at

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