Why ColdFusion Rocks and What's new in Cold-fusion 11
In this modern era, technology changes quite rapidly and there always seems to be some new platforms coming up with new features and advancements. Out of many ColdFusion application development is the one that has been chosen by most developers as the best platform for improving the interactivity of a particular website. It's a known fact that many of the application development platforms gets updated from time to time. These updated versions like ColdFusion 11 provides an umpteen number of benefits to small as well as the large scale businesses.
What is ColdFusion 11 and what’s new in it?
ColdFuison11, the enterprise edition of adobe is a single platform that helps a developer to rapidly create and deploy high-performing and scalable web applications. Moreover, it supports in generating the high-quality PDF files and to manipulate them with the help of CFPDF tag. This advanced version of CF has gone through a series of alterations and enhancements such as:
Mobile development Language enhancement WebSocket enhancements Security enhancements Social enhancements PDF generation enhancements Spreadsheet enhancements On-device debugging Enterprise infrastructure and many others
For your reference, here I am listing few of the popular features of CF 11
Mobile development
This advanced version of CF mainly aim at offering a server as well as the development infrastructure that supports in robust mobile application development, packaging, debugging and deployment. It works well only when coded with a CF builder. In general there are three types of mobile application development platforms which a CF supports, they are:
HTML5 standalone app ColdFusion web app Hybrid standalone app
Language enhancements
CF11 has gone through a series of language enhancements that could offer a good development experience for a CF expert. Few of the CFML language enhancements in CF11 encompasses extended tag support, new language constructs, enhanced script functions as well as the support for other new operations
PDF generation enhancements
With a strong intention of generating fine quality PDFs from HTML documents, CF11 has come up with two new tags called as <cfhtmltopdf> and <cfhtmltopdfitem>
Security enhancements
CF11 has lot many bug fixes. This advanced version supports in fixing the security concerns and in strengthening the server to a better extent. Few of the notable security enhancements comprises of
Preventing attachment download for undelivered mails Sending encrypted mails using the <CFMail> tag Support for concurrent login sessions for the same user and many others
Social Enhancements
Do you spend more of your time on social networking sites? If your answer is yes, you will surely enjoy its new alterations too. As ColdFusion, 11 has now come up with a new built-in the tag which would be more helpful in dealing with Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook, Linked-in and many others.
Few of the other advancements in CF11 encompasses Spreadsheet enhancements, compression enhancements, Charting enhancements, On-device debugging and WebSocket enhancements
All the above advancements and enhancements have made the life of a ColdFusion developer much easier and hassle-free.
About the Author
Sumith kumar is a Search Engine Optimization Expert in Etisbew - ColdFusion 11 Expert offers ColdFusion Development teams that are continuously working in order to build the innovations for your ColdFusion Offshore Outsourcing.
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