Fireplace safety tips

by Jakob Jelling

Fireplaces are very welcoming, decorative and attractive, especially during a cold winter evening or a moment in which the family wishes to gather, but it can also be very dangerous if the main precautions are not considered. Within the next few lines, we will try to provide you with some of the most basic safety tips you should keep in mind regarding your fireplace.

One of the most overseen fireplace safety procedures usually is its maintenance. Fireplaces must be checked and inspected by a specialist every year. This will prevent you from suffering accidents that could be due to factors such as a crack in the mortar, in the bricks, or in the flue lining as well as due to obstructions, among others.

Also, is very important to have a working fire alarm which is regularly tested. Besides this, you should make sure of having an ABC fire extinguisher in the room where there fireplace is, as well as you should install a screen which covers the fireplace completely, making sure that sparks can't come out. Don’t leave children alone near the fireplace, and if possible install a special gate which ensures you there will be a safe distance between them and the fire.

Often we do not realize of all the combustible materials there can be around us. It is very important to be aware of such materials in order to avoid placing them near the fireplace. Among the most potentially combustible and dangerous materials we should be careful of keeping at a prudential distance from the fireplace, there are, for example, all kinds of papers, carpets, furniture, and of course kindling and logs.

It is also important to be very careful on how we handle ashes. Once the fire is off, it is extremely important to make sure that all ashes have cooled before living the room or disposing of them. If you wish to storage them, you should place them in a lidded metal container. Do not leave the room until you are very sure all the ashes and the fire are completely out, check this thoroughly.

About the Author

Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website to learn more about great interior design

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