Comparing the Top Insurance Databases

by Cathy Smith

It is no secret that both insurance carriers and insurance agencies use databases as one of their recruitment solutions. In an industry with a very high turnover, it is important to find new insurance agents on a regular basis. Newly licensed agents and insurance agents who are currently in a state of flux who have quite a good record to show need to be tapped. They are practically what are needed to move the company and the entire industry forward.

Factors to Consider

A simple search on the Internet will yield a lot of results when you look for insurance agent lists. Obviously, not all insurance databases are the same especially if you check out the company that offers the data and available information. Remember that this database is only one of the recruitment tools that your company will need in order to find the best and most qualified insurance agents today.

There are actually several factors that need to be considered before actually purchasing a list of newly licensed agents that your recruiting agents will use. First off, insurance agencies need to determine the quality of the database that they are accessing. It’s pretty easy to brag that you have millions of licensed names listed.

Regular Updates

Figure out how often the insurance database is updated. Remember that there are new licensees that come around every so often. A stagnant or rarely updated information database won’t help your company tap the latest batch of talent. Is it possible to know what information will be included in your queries?

Available Technical Support

Is there enough support available and will you have to pay to get technical support? Remember that there are several types of technical support. First off is technical info that is already available from the provider’s website. Another type is email or tech support available on the phone.

Available Search Tools

Another thing to look into is the available search tools that come with the database information. All database systems will allow users to make a basic search. Some insurance database systems allow users to locate prospective agents to recruit within a given area. Check out what search operations can be performed by a provider’s systems.

Prospect Identification Tools

The top insurance databases can give you more than just the names of millions of insurance agents on the planet. The best ones out there should be able to give its users a good number of useful data fields to help them make a profile of each candidate. Other profiling and identification tools may include demographic and other filters.

Methods of Reaching the Targeted Audience

The company and the insurance database that they provide should be able to help insurance carriers and insurance agencies send their message to the ideal candidates they want to recruit. The basic contact information like home and work addresses should be included. Phone numbers and email addresses are also pretty basic.

Other than that, the information should contain licensing details, BD affiliations, carrier appointments, and others. Having all this information in hand will be a great help with regard to insurance agent recruiting.

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About the Author

Advisor Databases "The Agency" deals with all kinds of recruitment & employment opportunities. Services provided by us are maintaining insurance agent lists and provides recruitment solutions with the help of recruiting agents.

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