How to Create a Contact List

by Jim Sinclair

How to Create a Contact List

Your contact list is what you need to grow your business. One person I know calls it her confidence list. This makes sense when you consider that the more names you have on your list, the more confidence you will have that you can succeed. Remember that on a list of 100 names if the first three say no you still have 97 to contact.

Think of people who live within your circle (called circle of influence). Who are these people? They are your family members and friends. People who are close to you, who know and understand you and you know they will listen to you. Remember on this list do not forget your neighbours.

Do not make any judgements about who will or will not be interested in your business. Everyone is a potential customer. Even people who may not want to purchase your service or goods may willingly refer you to their friends.

How many people do you know but have not contacted in a while. Remember people who you used to talk with often. List the people you know at work, people your partner knows, people you used to work with and people you do business with whether you buy from them or sell to them.

Go through your personal lists. Who did you send Christmas Cards? Do you have access to lists that contain ex-school friends, club membership lists, PTA groups, professional associations, community organisations like sports clubs? Don't forget your child's school. These areas are good for building your lists.

Who have you got listed in your telephone/address book? Potential customers not to be overlooked are your accountant, doctor, lawyer, banker, dentist, optician, hairdresser in fact anyone who you come into contact daily. Check your bank statement to see who you have paid. These could include the carpet cleaner, the florist, local shopkeepers, insurance agent, meter reader, estate agent, travel agent, TV repairman, post person and waiter or waitress.

Remember that your contact list is your first step towards a successful business. As you meet or introduced to more people keep adding them to your list.

I hope I have been of help, good luck in your chosen business.

PS If you are building your business through affiliates you may find that they will come from your lists.

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About the Author

Jim Sinclair is the editor of a daily ezine named Home Business Tips. I have run many business offices and been General Manager of a UK Company. I use experience gained in these areas in my publication

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