What Causes Thyroid Problems?
The function of the thyroid gland is to supply thyroxin, the thyroid hormone, to individual cells for the purpose of metabolism. Oxygen is used in this procedure. When insufficient oxygen is supplied, you become what we call a slow oxidizer and hypothyroidism (or under active thyroid) results. If you have too much oxygen and then become a fast oxidizer, then hyperthyroidism results (overactive thyroid).
A lack of the hormone thyroxin thickens the blood, which can potentially lead to heart problems( i.e heart attack) where too much thyroxin thins the blood and can lead to excessive bleeding.
Another name for hyperthyroidism(overactive thyroid) is Grave’s disease. Another condition known as Graves disease can lead to an under active thyroid.
Symptoms of an overactive thyroid can include extreme nervousness, anxiety, protruding eyes, excessive perspiration, high body heat, extreme hunger, rapid pulse and loss of hair. Goitre(or a large thyroid gland) can occur fro the overproduction of thyroxin. When any organ in the body is overworked, it can become enlarged.
Symptoms of an under active thyroid are fatigue, dry skin and hair, low body temperature, mental sluggishness, low intellectual capacity and goiter. You can also get dark circles around the eyes. Any organ that perceives that it is not getting enough of a specific chemical will enlarge itself in an effort to use more of what’s available.
The cause of thyroid problems can be many however a dysfunction of the pituitary gland can cause a deficiency or overproduction of the thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH). Less thyroxin leads to a slowing of metabolism and slower burning of calories, whereas an overproduction leads to more rapid burning of calories.
A decrease in nutrients that supply the thyroid gland can also lead to thyroid problems. These include iodine tyrosine and Vitamin B1.
An attack by the bodies own antibodies can lead to self destruction of the thyroid cells( autoimmune disease).
Radiation therapy for enlarged or infected tonsils. Too much calcium slows the thyroid, too much potassium speeds up the thyroid.
There are many avenues of natural and conventional treatment for thyroid problems. The more alternative therapies have proven to be quite effective including diet, supplements, herbs and amino acids. However conventional treatment is still used but does has some serious problems associated with it including nasty side effects.
About the Author
To find More information on thyroid problems, health problems and health resources go to: Thyax
Sara Brown is the owner of Thyax.us which is a premier resource for information on thyroid problems, Thyax information and health related topics. For more information, go to: http://www.thyax.us
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