SMS service: Gaining Popularity

by Jennie Parker

Short Message Service (SMS) is on the edge of becoming a big-time player in the wireless technology. SMS has grown in popularity far beyond anyone's initial expectations. SMS is a smart and trouble-free method to interact with our friends living even in farthest corner of the world. In the age when science is dominating the world, SMS via our mobile phones is a boon of technology. Every phone has a fixed limit of number of characters that can be written. Some have it at 160, while others allow you to type 190 characters on a single page. As soon as the message is delivered, we get the delivery report. The instant delivery of message depends on the network of the company whose mobile connection we have. SMS is similar to paging but SMS messages doesn’t require the mobile phone to be active and within range. SMS’s are sent via an SMS center.

Merits of SMS: 1. Cost effective: The wonderful feature of text messaging is that it is inexpensive. While an international call can cost you several dollars, an SMS will do the same job in a significantly smaller amount.

2. Comfort- SMS is perhaps the most convenient way to communicate. It allows you to chat with your friends and relatives anywhere anytime.

3. Express your opinion- SMS is an excellent way to state your choice in matters of public concern. You can also get a chance to win numerous contests happening on TV.

4. Spontaneity- Another significant feature of text messaging is the speed with which it connects us to people. It reaches its target in a few seconds. Messages can be written and sent while you going to the office, sitting idle in a bus or even watching television.

There are a few drawbacks of SMS: • Some people become addictive to text messaging specially children. It may contribute to your mobile phone’s monthly bill. • SMS’s are prone to failure due to network problems.

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