What Multi level marketing business? Are you kidding me or do you search the simple truth?

by Wesley Thury

Being a professional marketer in this industry individuals are hunting you to support their business. There's nothing wrong with this, but to understand who you are and also to know in which you wanna go removes 90% of the offers outside.

There are many Multilevel marketing business opportunities outside but only those who are set on their intention and are aware about the "BUSINESS BEHIND THE BUSINESS" will understand this process.

Within the last 2 weeks I received 10 various offers of the next super dooper crashing Network marketing business and folks I do know for years flipping from chance to chance promising THIS IS THE BEST DEAL OF THE CENTURY.

Are u kidding me?

Miracle products flooding the market and founded their existence in human unconsciousness and insecurity to only live their own greatness.

However with a huge B U T - have you seen a Multilevel Marketing Business instructing you on the right way to view the greater picture and produce cash with your authenticity and not using a miracle drug?

Ever found a company that helps guide you to earn money using your true potential and not by marketing yourself and the wonder juice?

There's no option.

Realize that you are foolin yourself if you attempt to become someone you're not.

Know that you won't be succesful if you fake it t'il you make it.

Understand that you limit yourself if you are walking externally.

Do you really wish to know why people fail within their Multilevel marketing business?

a) They're hunting the money as well as the notion of being rich b) They aren't concentrated on daily action c) They don't give importance towards the community d) They tune in to so many "good advisor" trying to sell them the quick way e) They assume they could skip the portion of experience without SUCCESS Whatsoever

Having no success by any means is really a growing process. Without success at all is a driver for your success. The question is how serious are you regarding your dreams. Are you serious?

Or are you searching for a product filling all of the space?

See, real success means self-actualization. It's really an awareness process realizing that simple relationship between you and life. No person is similar to you. No person can be like you. You cannot be copied because you are original. And I will SHOUT IT Aloud: it's at your decision.

You will not realize success if you try to be somebody else. Why? Simply because you will not fulfill the process. Simple as that. Building Network marketing business is exactly the same.

Thousands and tens of thousands in network marketing, online marketing, the home based business and working at home business missing that point. And the reason why they quit it is, they don't find these piece of the puzzle referred to as authenticity.

So they're trying to find an item that's transformed enough to pay for all the lack of awareness, that talking through their entire body. You can not hide your true identity. It's unattainable.

You can try it, you could play roles, you can wear masks, but believe me everyone surrounding you see, your identiity. EVERYONE.

Therefore I ask you honestly: what do you believe is the best option

A) figuring out how to sell a product and attempt to show individuals to do the same B) learning how to be the best version of yourself, live without having fear and be a 100% authentic C) learning how to be the ideal form of yourself, live without fear, be a 100 authentic and show up by the help of other people and teach people exact the same.

You cannot DO Step 2 without Step 1. It doesn't work.

There's no option.

Deciding on a Multi level marketing business is no option.

Why do you think that the Empower Network takes it to a totally NEW LEVEL?

Simply because you get all the skills required to let go the Bullshit and BE YOURSELF

So in the event you really wanna make it AUTHENTICALLY without playing a sales man, without accomplishing three-way calls all day long, without being on the telephone for hours - THEN MAKE A DECISION. NOW!

Yours In Life Mastery


P.S. If you find this post "What MLM business? Are you fooling me or do you search the truth?" helpful, feel free to share it with your friends on facebook and leave me a comment.

About The Author: Stephan Schurig

Stephan Schurig is a mentor and internet marketer. After several different jobs in the industry as a salesman he decided to be an entrepreneur and leader for people, who wanna get more out of life. People who want to get into self-actualization and live their true potential. As a founder of The Six Figure Foundation and author of the book "Insanity in us - or how to set up the foundation for your dreams within 7 weeks" he is an expert in business strategies and human movement.

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