How to Install 7zip on Ubuntu Linux

7zip is a free, open source, cross platform, software used to archive and compress files (or hierarchies of files) into a single file or into a series of files with a user-specified size limit.
7zip will unRar rar files (reassemble them and extract their original contents), and 7zip supports file-splitting using its own (nonRar) format.
7zip supports all the major "archive and compression" file-types you'd want to create or view, plus it provides its own lossless compression type (7z) that I've come to prefer. In short, I don't zip or Rar files anymore; I 7zip them!
Installing 7-zip in Ubuntu Linux is simple. Follow these instructions:
Install 7-Zip
- From the "Applications" menu, select "Ubuntu Software Center" (it use to be labeled "Add/Remove", before version 9.10). This will bring up Ubuntu's applications manager.
- Select "All applications" from the "View" menu (located at the top).
- Type "7zip" in to the search box (top-left) and press <enter> on your keyboard.
- Click "7zip", and then click the "right-arrow" icon on the right.
- Click the "Install" button (near the bottom, under the page's description of 7zip).
- Authenticate. Type in your password. Now, 7-zip will be downloaded and installed.
Create and View 7zip files with Ubuntu's "Archive Manager" (file-roller)
After, installing 7zip, you'll be able compress any file or folder into a .7z file by simply: (1) right-clicking it (2) selecting "Create Archive" from the context menu (3) name the output file (4) select 7z from the drop-down-menu and (5). Click the "Create" button.
Also, you can view the contents of any 7z file by simply double-clicking it.
Advanced Features - Using 7zip's Command Line Utility
Other than the method mentioned above, Linux doesn't yet provide a GUI that graphical exposes all of 7zip's features. This means that you'll have to type some 7z commands into a command prompt. Go here for a little help:
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