How to Put Streaming Video on a DVD using Ubuntu Linux
A step by step guide

Sometimes I like to watch videos from on my big screen television. Often I'll just hook my laptop up to my tv using an hdmi cable and do just that. However, sometimes I'd like to be using my laptop elsewhere, while passively watching such videos on my tv.
In this article, I will show you how to get streaming videos, from sites like YouTube, onto a dvd that will play in your regular (home) DVD player. This article is intended for users of the Ubuntu Linux 10.04 operating system.
First, lets install some packages. Open a command prompt, by going here from the main menu: Applications > Accesories > Terminal. Paste the line below, into the command prompt, by right clicking in the Terminal and clicking "paste":
After pressing ENTER on your keyboard, you'll be prompted for your password, and then you'll be asked if you want to proceed with the installation.
Now, copy and paste this line into the Terminal:
That step may not be absolutely necessary, but if you've never done
this, this a good time to do it; it makes sure you're able to play
retal dvds in your computer's dvd player.
How To Save A YouTube Video to Your Computer.
In firefox, go here to install Video Download Helper:
Click the install button. After installation, restart firefox.
Go to the YouTube video you want to save, and you'll notice, that on the right side of your "home" button (in FireFox), there will be another button that wasn't there before; the icon on this button has 3 little spheres on it. If that button isn't grayed out, you can click on it, and download the video into a file on your computer. The file type, that it will saved as, will be an flv file (flash video file).
Convert the flv to avi
Open avidemux from the main menu at Applications > Sound & Video > Avidemux
From the avidemux window, open the flv file you want to put on a dvd.
Now select "AVI" from the "Format" drop down menu, on the bottom left of the Avidemux window.
Click the save button, name your file, and then save it (taking note of where you are saving it to).
Convert the AVI video to a DVD Image
Open DeVeDe from the Ubuntu Menut at: Applications > Sound & Video > DeVeDe
Select "Video DVD" from DeVeDe's menu.
To name the DVD title, click the "Properties" button, in the "Title" section. I like my videos to reply after they're done, so I select the "Play First Title" option. Click the "OK" button
In the "Files" section of DeVeDe, click the "Add" button. A window will pop up. Under the "File" section click the folder icon (on the right), and navigate to where the AVI file is (that you created earlier using Avidemux). Click the "OK" button. If you want to add additional avi files, you can repeat this step as needed.
Under the "Menu" section, I always uncheck "Create a Menu with Subtitles", because I like the DVD to just start playing when I put it into my player (without the additional that a menu offers).
Now click the forward button, and choose were you want your DVD Iso to be placed on your file system.
Burning the ISO Image to a DVD Disc
Put a blank DVD into your DVD writer.
Select "Places" from Ubuntu's menu, and navigate to where you saved the dvd ISO using DeVeDe. Right-click on the iso file, and select "Write to Disc"
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