How to Install IE6 on Ubuntu 7.04

by Lonnie Lee Best
Lonnie Lee Best

You are moments away from having Internet Explorer 6 installed on Ubuntu Linux 7.04.

Aquire Root Password

You'll need to know the root password to install software in Ubuntu. If you've never created a root password follow these steps:

  1. From Ubuntu's "System" menu, open the "Users and Groups" manager: System | Administration | Users and Groups
  2. Click on the "root" user, and then click the properties button.
  3. Highlight the contents of "User Password" text-box and then over-type it with the first password that comes to your mind.
  4. Highlight the contents of "Confirmation" text-box and then over-type it with the same password you chose in the previous step.
  5. Click the "OK" button.

Install Wine

  1. From the "Applications" menu, select "Add/Remove". This will bring up Ubuntu's applications manager.
  2. Select "All available applications" from the "Show" drop-down menu (located in the top-right corner of the applications manager.
  3. Type "wine" in to the search box (top-left) and press <enter> on your keyboard.
  4. Click the check box next to "Wine Windows Emulator" in the top-right pane. You'll then be asked if you want to install it.
  5. Click the "Install" button.
  6. Click the "Apply" button.
  7. Confirm you want to apply the installation by clicking the "Apply" button.
  8. Authenticate. Type in the root password. Now, Wine will be downloaded and installed.

Install CabExtract.

  1. Open the Synaptic Package Manager by navigating from your "System" menu: System | Administration | Synaptic Package Manager.
  2. You'll be prompted for your password, enter it and press enter.
  3. Click the "Search" button and type "cabextract" into the search box, then click the search button below.
  4. You'll see an alphabetical listing of packages. Right click on the "cabextract" package, and select "Mark for Installation".
  5. Now click the "Apply" button. CabExtract will be downloaded and installed.

Install ies4linux

  1. From Ubuntu's Applications menu, open a terminal: Applications | Accessories | Terminal
  2. At the command prompt, type "wget" followed by the <enter> key (no quotes).
  3. Type "tar zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz" followed by the <enter> key (no quotes).
  4. Type "cd ies4linux-*" followed by the <enter> key (no quotes).
  5. Type "./ies4linux" followed by the <enter> key (no quotes).

You'll be asked some preferences during installation. When you're done, there will be an Internet Explorer icon on your desktop.

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About the Author

Lonnie Best has been using the internet since 1993, and has been making web pages since 1995. visit:

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