Self Interest at the Service of Others

by Tamir Qadree

Self Interest By: Author, Speaker, Dynamic Life Coach: Tamir Qadree

“Self interest needs to be enlightened,” says Jim Rohn, (One of the foremost business philosophers of our time.) “Self interest at the service of others, not at the expense of others” When I think about this sage advice, I can’t help but wonder why so many sales and networking professionals insist on making the bottom line the dollar amount, and the amount of commission, verses making the prospect or customers interest the bottom line.

When money is the bottom line, people tend to act in accordance, and do things that they may not do otherwise. Ethics become weaker the more we focus on money and not service. If money is the most important object, many people will do almost anything to get it. Money has no moral principle or trust factor. Money is inanimate and cannot defend itself from the tight grip of a 1 year old child. Money is helpless, defenseless and servile. Yet, so many people serve it and never figure out why they never have enough! That is what happens when you have a selfish self-interest! However, self-interest that’s cultivated, mature and refined employs intelligence with feelings, concern and common respect for everyone.

When money is not the main object but, only a reward for services rendered, then you move to a different realm of interest! Selfless, self interest! Sure, you want the things in life that money can buy, and you work to be able to have the freedom that you desire, but that does not mean that you have to abandon good solid principles to get them.

When people shop or call for a service, or make an effort to purchase anything, “they expect to pay for it.” Everyone, from the petty thief to the more sophisticated criminals know that everything has a price, “that’s why they steal!” I can’t imagine a thief stealing something that they think have no value. So, that brings us back to the point of money; it’s inanimate, it does not walk, talk, shout, secure, help or sooth, it is only an object or compensation for trade. Money is energy used to exchange for energies in the form of products and services. You should want money and lots of it! Why not? But, we should separate the money from the act of service. When we are selling a product or service, the money should only be the object when the cost is or becomes the subject. If you build rapport, by building trust and servicing your prospect needs, and stop calculating your own commissions or profit before the sale is finished, you will be more sincere and spend more time being of the best service to your prospect, and your interest will be a two-fold self interest; their interest, and yours. That is true self-interest.

Tamir Qadree is an Author, Speaker and Dynamic Life Coach

About the Author

About the Author: Tamir Qadree is The Dean of Dynamic Results. The love, peace, hope and passion that he inspires is not only contagious, his style is inimitable and new! He will energize you and enlighten you in the same breath. You can learn more about his products and services at He also conducts a free weekly conference call for Entrepreneurs every Thursday Night at 7:25 PM PST (712) 338-8900 PIN 1435.

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