
Submit Your Article


HowtoAdvice.com seeks articles that concisely and articulately give advice on how to do something. Although many of our writers are highly regarded experts, you don't have to be a law school graduate to get your articles published. As long as you know how to do something that someone else doesn't, and you have the ability to convey your insight with words, you are qualified.


  1. Your article will have it's own message board that will allow readers to post messages regarding your article.
  2. Readers will be able to easily email your article to their friends at the click of a button.
  3. Promotion: HowtoAdvice.com is frequently surveyed by major search engines. Publishing your article on HowtoAdvice.com increases the likelihood that your information will be read by interested readers.
  4. Eternality: Your advice will be permanently available to help others long after your own lifetime. When your article is published, you will receive an email indicating its permanent web address.

Commonly Rejected Articles:

  1. All fluff with little helpful content . . . Our readers want "Golden Nuggets" of information. Our favorite articles are those that are able to focus on communicating a wealth of information in an economy of words.
  2. Advertisements and Testimonials are not accepted.
  3. Teasers - We don't mind linking your article to other web pages, but a significant amount of helpful content must be provided in your article submission.

If you have any question, just give us a call, by clicking the "Call Me" link below:

Submit Your Article

Article's Title

- Preferred: "Capitalize the First Letter of Substantive Words"

Sub Title

(if applicable)

Author's Full Name

Author's Email Address

Article Body

  • Use plain text; don't use HTML.
    Here's why:
    • Any markup tags you input will be displayed (in the article) rather than interpreted.
    • Only "web and email addresses" that are "inputted using plain text" will be activated.
  • Double break after paragraphs, sub-headings, and listed items.

About the Author

  • Qualify the author by indicating the author's relationship with this article's topic.
  • Use plain text; don't use HTML. Here's why:
    • Any markup tags you input will be displayed (in the article) rather than interpreted.
    • Only "web and email addresses" that are "inputted using plain text" will be activated.
  • Use "3rd Person Perspective".
Help the Editor

Summary Description

  • Indicate the essence of what your article explains.
  • Be objective, straight-forward, and concise.

Keyword Phrases

  • Predict the "keywords or key-phrases" people will type into a search-box (when they are trying to find the information your article provides).
  • 255 characters maximum
  • Separate each "keyword or key-phrase" with a comma and a space.

URL Path

  • Your article's web address will begin with "http://www.howtoadvice.com/" followed by the "URL Path" you indicate below.
  • 25 characters maximum - No spaces
  • Example: If your article's title is "How to Keep Coffee Hot", you might suggest "HotCoffee" as the URL Path in the field below.