What are the common features between a big and small website

by Manita PD

Adsense templates have proven to be one of the most effective ways of generating more money over the Internet. You can never see a site without one of these ads plastered in some part of their pages. It does not matter what your site is catering to. The only thing important is the presence of these adsense templates.

Although a lot of site owners have used these ads to their advantage, there are still those who have not. If you are just one of those wanting to have one of these adsense templates into your site, you surely would want to know how to make the most of the templates. How do you use adsense templates to generate you more advantage and income?

1. Simple website layout - Try to maintain the simplicity in your site. Not only will your visitors find it easy to search on the things they need, but your ads will clearly be visible. Putting on too much graphics, pictures or flashes can definitely divert your visitors from clicking on your ads. If the primary purpose of your site is to generate more adsense income, then focus more on getting people to click on the ads. Give your adsense the space they deserve where people can see them the instant they come into your site.

Adsense template design - Put your adsense in the place where you think they will be more profitable. You would also want to make sure that they go well with the colors you are using on your site. You would not want them to be overridden by the background colors you are using. Try to keep them as visible and as complementary to your site as possible. Check out other sites that are using adsense. See how they position their ads and how you react to them.

Put articles that are very much related to your target market and what your site is about. It is best to write out original articles with contents that people do not get to read everyday. You can also make use of ghostwriters to supply you with original contents if you think that writing is way beyond you. Just make sure that the contents are original to avoid being accused of duplicating other articles.

4. Keeping track of who comes in and out of your site - Having a close watch over the people that are visiting your site is necessary if you want to keep track of the income your site is generating. Get to know what ads people are clicking more on. You may want to pattern those that are being ignored to those that are being clicked often. If you find that none of your adsense or pages are being visited much, then maybe the other aspects of your sites are causing these problems. Check out your keywords or your topics.

5. Generating traffic - Even if your site is the best looking site over the Internet, it would not matter one bit if traffic is not coming your way. No visitors simply mean any income.

And even if you are using the best adsense template around, if you have not planned your strategy correctly, then all your efforts will result to nothing in the end.

About the Author

For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:- <a href="http://www.youradsenseprofits.com">http://www.youradsenseprofits.com <a href="http://www.adsense.reprintarticlesite.com">http://www.adsense.reprintarticlesite.com

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