Fake TV
Brand new to the UK
The Fake TV is a fantastic gadget for peace of mind when away from your home. Whether you are working nights, going away on holiday or are just a security conscious individual, the Fake TV is a reassuring occupancy simulator. If you live alone or feel vulnerable, your personal security will be of utmost importance. No one likes to feel as if their home is at threat. Our personal possessions could seem priceless to us, but are a money maker for a burglar. http://www.find-me-a-gift.co.uk/fake-tv-burglar-deterrent-device.html Fake TV reproduces the light output of a 27” HDTV including flickers, fades and motion! Working from a timer, this amazing gadget will come on at dusk and turn off after 4 or 7 hours, creating the illusion that someone is in a room watching TV. Burglars are less inclined to try and break into a house that is seemingly occupied and will go for an easier target. Don’t let your house be that target! The Fake TV also uses 50 times less power than a real television set, making it economical and environmentally friendly. http://www.find-me-a-gift.co.uk/fake-tv-burglar-deterrent-device.html Working off of an AC Adapter, just plug in the Fake TV so it is facing a window (but not seen from the outside) and select either 4 or 7 hours on the timer. A light sensor will turn the Fake TV on when it gets dark and you will feel safe in the knowledge that you are taking an extra precaution to keep your home safe. The bright LED lights change colour subtly or dramatically and never repeats a sequence. This gives a highly realistic television glow. So you have a burglar alarm and your lights are on a timer. That is a fantastic start, but your home will still look static and unlived in. Burglars are getting less deterred by lights now as so many of us put them on a timer for security. Fake TV makes your home seem ‘alive’ and will act as an extra measure in protecting your house. About the size of a coffee mug, the Fake TV really does prove that good things come in small packages. The Fake TV is the ultimate Burglar Deterrent Device, its a dynamic and convincing occupancy simulation leading burglars to think there is someone home so they move onto an easier target The Fake TV is computer controlled, super-bright multi-colour LED light output equivalent to a typical 27 inch TV Fake Television consumes a tiny amount of power, less than a standard lamp AC mains adapter included Most televisions turn on with push buttons and do not work with timers. Burglars know this, which makes FakeTV perfect! A built in light sensor turns FakeTV on each evening at dusk for 4 or 7 hours. Fake TV turns off automatically. A light on a timer is a great idea, and we still recommend that you use one. It can be seen from the street, and gives a good first impression. But timers are commonplace, and burglars know this, so a timer is not enough. Worse, lights are static. But the light from a television is something entirely different. It is constantly changing, and gives the impression of "Alive". FakeTV recreates that light, and recreates that impression. So why not just put a television on a timer? It will not work! Modern televisions turn on with push-buttons, so they will not turn on from an external timer. So why not just leave a television on whenever you are away? Well, aside from consuming a lot of power needlessly, televisions get gradually dimmer with time. Does it make sense to use up the life of an expensive TV when nobody is watching it? The solution is the FakeTV! Even if you have a burglar alarm this is a cheap addition to further reduce the risk of being broken into especially when you go away for the weekend or on holiday, this could be the best £29.99 you have ever spent!
For any additional information on our fake tv gadget or any of our 2000 gifts and gadgets please email info(at)findmeagift.com or call 01926 640710
Jessie Jones Gadget specialist - find-me-a-gift
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Jessie joined Findmeagift.com a few months ago and has been writing fabulous articles ever since.
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