Golf Stretching Is the Cheapest & Most Effective Way to Improve Your Game

by Joey Atlas

The vast supply of golf improvement aids has exploded as the popularity of the game itself has soared. From direct marketing television spots to radio commercials, to golf newspapers to the internet, direct response presentations for golf devices come in many 'flavors and sizes'.

While these different forms of sales presentations offer keen insights as to what golfers are want and what they are willing spend their hard earned money on - they also highlight the plethora of companies whose primary goal is 'profits without fulfilling on the promise' (mind you - not all of them are like this).

However, it serves no purpose to cast widespread judgement, or criticize the companies, as a group, and people behind these golf device pitches. I believe you are intelligent enough to know what you are witnessing when watching these types of offers. But here's what golfing insiders, and wise players, do agree on...

Regardless of the integrity or validity of an infomercial grade, golf-training aid (and there are DOZENS and DOZENS of them) - none can come close to what the effects of a total-body, golf-specific flexibility program does for your golf game, your body and your health.

You can try to groove your swing 'til you faint, you can try to change the mechanics of your faulty swing 'til you drop, you can swing a weighted-club until your back and arms cramp up, but none of this activity will enhance the natural range of motion and ability of your muscles and joints to recover and recuperate - between every hole and between every round.

I'm not against investing new golf clubs or an intriguing new golf training aid - but it makes absolutely no sense to do any of that until you're properly giving your body the one thing it truly needs most: natural flexibility and range of motion.

Don't be one of those players who has to learn this harsh reality this the 'hard way'. Don't wait until a little tweak or a muscular twinge turns into a nagging, painful chronic cramp - that develops into a game stopping injury "that just hit you out of the blue." (physical therapy pros love golfers like this - great for their business).

Countless golfers, ranging from full-time tour pros to once-a-week duffers, have been in this situation at one time or another in their lives. And although it's more pronounced in 'older' golfers, the effects of an 'out of shape' body can also destroy a young golfer's body and golf game as well.

Reality is, the most effective way to enhance your game is not with another "breakthrough" golf training device, but rather by sticking to a golf-specific stretching exercise routine.

Improving your body enhances your physical capabilitie, in all ways. Strength, endurance, recuperation time and injury reduction & prevention are just a few of the immediate benefits you'll get.

There's no need worry about your age either. It's never too late to start a properly structured golf stretching program for flexibility and core conditioning.

About the Author

Golf Conditioning Specialist, Joey Atlas, MS - Exercise Physiology, is the creator of 'Optimum Flexibility for Golf'.

To get FREE access to his 'Instant Results' golf exercise video clips visit

His general fitness book is Amazon Bestseller, 'Fatness to Fitness' at - get $300 worth of materials for under $15

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