The Personal Resourses That You Draw Upon To Create Wealth

by Howard Platt

Right now we are going to explore the six main resources that you draw upon as you create wealth. You are going to have to take a serious look at yourself and answer some important questions about the foundation of your ability to cultivate wealth.

First we look into your mind. The human mind is the most powerful computer in the universe. If you could just improve the use of your mind by a tiny fraction, you would make massive improvements in every area of your life. While cultivating great sums of wealth can be easier than you ever imagined, it does require you to be able to think clearly, generate ideas, and make good decisions. Using the multiple streams of income strategy for wealth building means that you need a mind sharp enough to see an opportunity, grasp it, and make the most of the situation. You need to be a creative thinker, a solution finder, and a problem solver.

Also remember that your mind is a highly sensitive computer, and that what you put into it is very important. So if you have been telling yourself that you don't deserve to be wealthy, or that you can't be wealthy, or that it isn't morally right to be wealthy, ultimately you'll find ways to sabotage your success.

So lets look at you more closely; How do you treat your mental computer? Do you spend your time watching TV, reading the tabloids, and avoiding mental challenge? Or do you put your mind to the test by taking classes, reading about new ideas, and working on new and different projects that put your mind to work? How do you take care of your most personal computer, your mind? How do feed and nourish it? How do you starve or mistreat it? What self-defeating thoughts do you regularly put into your computer?

Don't just take your mind lightly, record some of your ideas on how you can improve the performance of your mind. Set some goals for improving the way you use your mind and what you feed it.

The next resource that you draw upon for creating wealth is your body. Your body truly is an amazing machine! Your heart continues to beat without a thought, your eyes take in millions of pictures and then transfer these images effortlessly to your mind for later recall. Your ears hear beautiful music, you can taste and smell your favorite foods. What an incredible sensory apparatus!

What good is wealth if you don't have your health? Your health is your number one resource. What condition is your body in? What do you expect it to be five years from now? Could you be even more productive today if you took better care of your health? After all, you need to feel healthy and energetic to meet the challenges you'll encounter along the road to wealth. You don't want to be sidetracked by preventable illnesses that sap your strength and distract you from your wealth building goals.

All too often we wait until health problems start stacking up, before we do something to take care of ourselves. Remember health comes before wealth, so set some some health goals to take care of this important resource.

The next resource in wealth is your spiritual health. I won't go too far into this because we all have our own personal feelings when it comes to this topic. But I for one know there is a greater power then us, and I personally associate that power with God, but you can refer to it as you wish. I believe there is a higher power that wants us to be successful, and it amazes me that people can hope to attain financial success without tapping into this source that has all the answers.

Learn to develop the spiritual side of your nature, the fact that this will help you achieve financial success is only a small fraction of the reasons for doing this. In a larger sense, it's all part of becoming a complete, fully realized individual. That is as far as I will take this discussion.

The next wealth resource is, well, people. Anyone who hopes to become financially successful simply must have great expertise in getting along with other people, and a profound understanding of how human relationships can be made to run smoothly.

If you want to have a career in real estate, for example, you must learn to interact effectively with bankers, property owners, tenants, and service people. so you must bring at least as much energy to developing your interpersonal skills as you devote to the more technical aspects of wealth building.

The fifth and sixth resource of wealth building are time and money. It seems as though we never have as much time as we need, but if you want to see any type of financial success you will have to learn to be the master of your time. Procrastination can kill any chance of getting ahead in the financial arena.

Then there is money! Who ever has enough money? If you're like many people, there have probably been times when you longed and dreamed for the kind of income you have at this very moment, yet now you long and dream for more. In fact, you need increased income, and you'll continue to need still more as time goes on. That's simply human nature.

I have personally made quite a bit in a years time, and I still wonder where it all goes, and I still look for ways to increase my income even more. Am I saying that money doesn't buy happiness? Yes, I suppose I am, in a way, but I also understand that you would like to find out for yourself!

So let's be specific. Look around you you right now. What kind of car are you driving? Where do you live? How do you dress everyday? Then ask yourself what you'd like to change. What more would you like? Or, to put it another way, as you envision yourself in the future, what more will you have? What will your life be like then?

The answers to all those questions lay in the actions that you are willing to take now. Is the income from your job going to get you all you would like? Probably not! But, if you took a chance and set up some other means of earning some money, you could possibly have all that you envision. There are ways to set up passive and/or residual streams of income, it's all up to you!

About the Author

I am Howard G. Platt 111 semi-retired Financial Advisor and Estate Planner and I have a new book out that takes you step by step into setting up separate Avenues of Income, and the book is called Avenues of Income.

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