Tips On Buying A Gas Chain Saw

Learn about heating with wood and buying a gas chain saw.

by Randy Hough

Most homeowners who are heating with wood own or have access to a gas chain saw. The reasons are rather obvious, you need to cut the firewood, or at least trim it. Even if you have a cord or two or three of firewood delivered right to your house, you likely will need to cut some of the pieces.<br>Then there are the tasks such as trimming trees and shrubs that make the chain saw the best tool for the job. Few tools are as versatile as this little powerhouse.<br>If you are considering cutting your own firewood, you need to do some research before running out to buy your gas chain saw. Whatever you do, avoid buying an electric chain saw if you plan on cutting a few cords of wood. Electrics are really amazing tools, but most lack the horsepower to tackle a full grown oak tree. They are great for tree trimming or small scale wood cutting. <br>One exception to this might be the ones made by Stihl, they are really surprisingly powerful.<br>A trip to the local guy who is in the business of sharpening chainsaw chains can be a real eye opener. These guys see the best and worst of everything. People bring them their problems when there is no other option. Just ask a lot of questions relating to chains, chainsaw sharpening, which saws wear out, which ones last a long time, how heavy they are, how often they come in for repairs, etc. <br>Most people who own a chainsaw love to talk about their little baby. For some reason, these tools take on a personality of their own. Maybe it is because they are so intimately involved with a personal thing such as heating your home. Or, it could be because they are held in both hands and are almost an extension of the operator.<br>Some of the more popular saws include Stihl, Jonserud, Husqvarna, Echo and Poulan. There are countless others as well, some better than others. If you stick to the workhorse brands that the pros use, you won't go wrong. The only thing to hinder your choice is your pocketbook!<br>You can usually try out several saws at a good store. They might have a few blocks of hardwood out back for you to cut up. One thing to keep in mind is the weight of the saw. Your arm will quickly tire if you have a heavy one. On the other hand, the light weight ones are often designed for light weight work as well. <br>Some of the accessories required include hearing protection, goggles, good gloves, gas and oil, a wedge for felling trees, a splitting maul, a sledgehammer, files and a file guide. If you can keep all these things in some kind of kit you will be ahead of the game. <br>Cutting firewood is hard work, and dangerous. A chainsaw is one of the most lethal tools around. You are completely exposed to the sharp chain as it whips around. Time spent being careful and planning ahead is time well spent. It is also a good idea to cut with a buddy, in the event of an accident. It is also easier to move big logs around with two people and it is more fun besides!

About the Author

Randy Hough writes about buying a gas chain saw, cast iron wood stoves and chainsaw

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