The Benefits Of Advanced Training In Microsoft Office

by Jamie Simpson

When companies hire people, often they test them to make sure they have at least some understanding of Microsoft Office. Some employers think that since they have insured that all of there employees have at least some understanding of Microsoft products, they don't need to invest money in further training. By assuming this, they lose money and productivity because employees are not able to use Microsoft software as efficiently as possible.

Investing in a Microsoft training course can benefit both the employer and their employees. When employees know how to use computer programs in depth, they spend less time trying to figure out how to get the computer to do what they want it to. Many times, money spent on a training course results in fewer calls for computer or tech support, and the business not having to hire so many people in their technical support department. Additionally, employees who are comfortable with computer programs experience less frustration in their job, since using a computer is such a major part of many employees' jobs.

When workers in a company know how to use Microsoft products at an advanced or expert level are able to use that knowledge to use the many options that Microsoft has provided to improve their productivity. Most Microsoft users can type documents, print, and save changes. More advanced users can add additional formatting to their documents, such as adding headings and page numbers. Whether the documents are intended for other company employees or customers, advanced formatting makes documents easier to use and more attractive. Employees with more advanced training can use Microsoft to track how a document has changed over time. This can increase employee productivity by allowing users to go back to previous versions of documents they have created, rather than having to come up with the old document from memory.

Microsoft Excel also has many options that can assist employees with their productivity. There are nearly a limitless number of operations than the spreadsheet can perform, but the employee needs to know how to use the software well enough to use them. There are ways of copying data from one spreadsheet to another. This data can then be processed using different assumptions and mathematical computations. Employees who are not as adept as Excel may not know how to copy data from one sheet to the next, and how to change the formulas that are used with the raw data. By having to take more time to do mundane tasks like copying, they spend less time doing higher level tasks.

Many companies use Microsoft Outlook as a virtual organizer. They use it to manage the email they send and receive from their colleagues, keep their daily calendars, and save the contact information they get in a virtual rolodex. Users who have more advanced knowledge of how to use Outlook can make their calendars viewable to their fellow employees, and can coordinate their schedule with their coworkers.

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For more information on Microsoft Training Courses visit

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