What Can Self Hypnosis Do For Me?

by Michael McGrath

Hypnosis and self hypnosis have been around for longer than we can determine. Self hypnosis pre-dates written history!

Many people believe that the hypnotic state is a stage trick and good only for entertainment value. Some other do not believe in self hypnosis at all. However, the benefits of using this technique are so far reaching that it is now encorporated into many medical practices!

The trance state associated with self hypnosis is a natural and easily accessed mind/body state. All of us encounter the self hypnosis trance. We enter and exist this state constantly everyday. When you watch television, read a book, relax, recall memories, daydream etc., you have entered a state of self hypnosis!

While in a self hypnosis or trance state you are very relaxed and also display alpha brainwave patterns. A self hypnosis trance state is one of heightened focus. The difference between ordinary focus and self hypnosis trance is your focus! You will lose focus of the things that are happening around you and concentrate all your focus on one thing.

Right now while you are reading these words you are fully concentrated on what you are doing and you have entered a light self hypnosis trance. This is a necessary ability. Think back to when you learned to drive - it was difficult right? You had to concentrate on the mechanics of driving the vehicle, steering it, judging distances, watching the road and observing other road users, potential hazards and pedestrians. Your focus was widened to include many different things. Think what it would be like if this was a requirement for every action you took throughout the day. This would be very tiring and very hard to sustain!

Instead, we can laser-in or focus on one or two subjects and concentrate all our attention on that disregarding everything else that is going on around us. In the office you can concentrate on your work while they repair the road outside, co-workers have a conversation, telephones ring on the background etc. If you were unable to enter a state of self hypnosis you would constantly be distracted by things going on a round you.

When you use self hypnosis you merely deepen this light trance state so that you can focus even more sharply on a chosen subject. In addition to heightened focus you are also highly susceptible to suggestions while in a mind/body alpha trance state!

You can use self hypnosis to:

Learn & retain information more easily.

Eliminate phobias.

Defuse emotional memories.

Disempower negative beliefs.

Form new beliefs.

Painless, medication-free child birth.

Undergo surgery without anaesthesia.

Program your mind with the blueprint of a goal or desire.

Increase self confidence.

Increase self esteem.

Learn new habits.

Mimic the traits of others to gain their skills.

Learn to improve performance in anything.

Lower blood pressure.

Boost your immune system.

Eliminate warts and other simple bodily ailments.

Accelerate healing.

Eliminate physical addictions.

Self hypnosis is very powerful at disempowering negative emotional memories and any psychological distress because self hypnosis is resonsible for creating them. Emotional trauma exists due to self hypnosis. It's a case of literally hypnotizing yourself with this emotional trait albeit unintentionally!

About the Author

Go to http://hypnosis.personal-development.info for Hypnosis products that have been tested and then reviewed for free. For free reviews of the best Self Hypnosis products we tested go to http://www.angelfire.com/wizard2/release/hypnosis.html and find out what really works!

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