Loving What Is

by Peter Field

I'd like to share with you a profound truth. No matter how many times I visualise and affirm for my cat to bark, she still looks up at me and says "Meow".

Well of course she does...reality is that cats meow and dogs bark and no amount of wishing on my part will change the reality of what is. And yet although this may seem obvious, how many times in a day do we have thoughts which oppose the reality of what is.

For example, the weather should be better; the queues at the checkout should be shorter; the traffic should move faster; the neighbours should be quieter; things should be cheaper; people should be more considerate....and the list goes on and on.

Resisting the reality of what is, is as crazy as trying to get my cat to bark. It won't happen. What is ..is, period. And why is this important? It's important because all suffering is caused by wanting reality to be different than it is. The Truth is no amount of thinking or worrying can change what is. When your thoughts argue with reality, you suffer....but only 100% of the time!

But let's look at this from a much broader, larger perspective. You see something on the news or read something in the paper that upsets you. And based upon your own judgements, you decide this person or thing is bad and shouldn't have happened. As a result you suffer. But consider the bigger picture. In this infinite universe, All That Is, The Creator, Universal Intelligence or whatever name you prefer has given "life" to this "event". It exists, it's what is. But we come along with our private thoughts and individual perspective of the world and say what is, what exists in the universe, is wrong and should not be. The Real universe says it is valid, it exists, but we say the universe is wrong. What exists should not exist.

Now it's important to understand that what I'm talking about here has absolutely nothing to do with right or wrong or condoning or approving what is. These are judgment views anyway. What I'm talking about is the mental anguish that is caused every time you oppose or argue with reality. What is ..is. And the truth is that for everything you think is wrong and shouldn't have happened, someone else out there thinks it's right and it should have happened.

And let's turn this around. Have you ever done anything or said something which someone else thought was wrong. If you're like most people the answer is probably yes. So here you are existing and expressing the fullness of who you really are in this moment and someone else, with their own private view of the world, including how you should behave, says part of you should not be as it is, and it should not exist as reality.

So what's the answer? The answer is to upgrade what you think should or should not happen to a preference. This means that you prefer something to be a certain way like, for example, shorter queues at the checkout; less traffic on the roads; better weather; but you don't insist on it, because if you do you know you suffer.

Your power lies not in resisting "what is" but in letting "what is" be ok. This leads to a key understanding. Despite what we have been conditioned to believe, it is never the event itself, however bad you think it is, that is the true cause of your suffering. It is your resistance to it. If we stop resisting what is, the reality of the moment, which no thinking in the world can change, our suffering stops. Because however it may appear, it is not the person, event or circumstance which is causing your discomfort, but your unwillingness to accept the reality of it.

So next time you're resisting what is, remember my cat ....and it'll put you in a purrfect state of mind to be more effective in dealing with the events of your life.

About the Author

Peter Field is an author and teacher whose passion is to help people create their ideal life. His book, Lighten Your Load, has received favourable acclaim from teachers of the hit movie "The Secret". For more information about Peter's work, visit http://www.prosperityparadigm.com and http://www.peterfield.co.uk

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