What To Do With Roaches

by Stewart Wrighter


Roaches are known to be the toughest insects in existence. They are often seen in toilets, near gutters and sewage areas. If they enter your home it can be a real problem and it is best to contact exterminators to get rid of these annoying creatures. Sometimes these bugs can be confused with another pest so get advice on whether or not you need bed bug control or treatment to rid of roaches.

There are many species of cockroaches and you can find them all over the world. They love warm and moist areas around the home such as underneath kitchen appliances. They are carriers of serious diseases as they carry along harmful bacteria and viruses. They can cause asthma, food poisoning, typhoid and many other chest and stomach diseases. Their excretion all around brings in the viral infections.

They can feed on any organic matter whether it is glue, food snippets, sugar, pet meal, rotten meat, and even cover of books. They are omnivorous so they can dissolve any of the hard or soft organic meal morsels. They love to live in scrap and garbage so dirtiness is what they love to have all around.

Roaches Shelter:

Roaches are refugees in your home. They refugee in the small spaces, cracks and fissures found in any wall, roofing or kitchen cabinets. They know how to hide in the daylight as they emerge in the night. If you see them in the daylight it means there is a serious problem. Try to connect with a professional pest controller for addressing the problem otherwise the roaches can march with a serious campaign in your house.


There are certain things which should be adapted to counter the invasion of these grotesque creatures.

Proper cleansing is the first prevention step. Try to clean all the empty spaces, holes and every area which you suspect to be their hiding place. Use the Permethrin powder and pour in every corner, cabinets and hidden spaces of your home. During cleansing just do not forget that roaches appear in the night and if you go with your cleaning in the day there is still a chance, the dirt slugs are not completely eradicated.

Food trappers are another way to trap the roaches aside. You can place the food lures which contains the poison for the roaches, they get trap and almost every adult of their species die instantly.

There is a chance that your cupboard may be having these reddish slugs. Use the naphthalene balls in your cupboard and place them along with your clothes. The smell is irritating for the roaches. When the roaches will appear, they have to face a real combat for their survival. Balls are easy to place as compared to spraying powder in clothing cabinets. The ball sustains the impact and keeps the influence till they are intact in some place, whereas, the effect of powder vanishes within four to five hours.

Putting all the prevention aside, regular cleaning is the common urge by all the experts of pest control. But still you find your house to be in a more critical condition, try to call your local pest controllers. They can help you better to deal with the critical situation.

About the Author

Stewart Wrighter has often called on the expertise of Knoxville exterminators to treat his large office facility. For more information on exterminators go to http://www.johnsonpestcontrol.com/ .

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