Is The Labour Party Lost?

by Peter Jones

Why should voters engage with the Labour Party after 13 years in power ending with the biggest recession in living memory?

The party seems to have really lost its way beyond all belief.

As we know the previous Labour leader Gordon Brown appeared to lack charm or charisma!

We all saw how he so badly dealt, during the election. with that lovely lady when he called her a bigot! what a silly mistake to make about a loyal supporter..

Then Labour took us into the worst recession in living memory and try and deny it.

Ed Miliband the man who was to busy that he failed to get his name on his first sons birth certificate. What kind of man is that? One who can lead Britain out of recession and into growth and prosperity?

Kinnock that ever so clever welsh man stated that he had got his old party back well all I can say is that he can keep it.

Since Ed Miliband trampled all over his older brother to win the Labour party leadership by the narrowest of margins, speculation has been rife as to actually what David Miliband might turn his hand to and one line of career mentioned was that of Television. I suppose he could host a variety of programmes such as "The Brothers" just to think of a few.

When Ed Miliband was asked about his brother's alleged possible TV career he said stated "David will be successfull in anything that he does". Many people thought that this was very funny but Ed did not.Obviously he is not referring to David being leader of the back stabbing party.

Absolutely no one could have guessed that a man seen as the ultimate political geek would take up a job at a football club. It is understood that the former Foreign Secretary is to become vice-chairman of Premier League side Sunderland, at a reported salary of £50,000 a year.This is so typical of the Labour politicians one has only to look at the exploits of ex Prime Minister Tony Blair.

In fact on 21st December 2010 The Office of David Miliband Ltd was formed with David Miliband and his wife Louise as directors. This sounds ever so much like one of the business plans of ex Prime Minister Tony Blair. Blair took Britain to War in Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that did not exist.

The Labour party has a long journey to go before it can come out of the wilderness. David Cameron in parliament said that Labour has a shadow chancellor who can not count and a leader who does not count! I hate to say it as my mother used to canvass for this party but that about sums them up at the current time. The party that does not count!

About the Author

The author writes a great many articles on current affairs and for more information please go to

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