5 Tips To Help You Out Of A Gambling Addiction Crisis
5 Tips To Help You Out Of A Gambling Addiction Crisis
When you are in a gambling addiction crisis, this is a very dangerous time. You may have lost a lot of money, lost your job, or perhaps your home. A gambling addiction crisis is usually a time where suicidal thoughts and actions are at their highest. There is help and hope, and you are certainly not alone in your situation. Here are some tips to help you through your crisis so that you can stay away from gambling long enough to start thinking clearly again.
1. Pick up the phone and call for help with your gambling addiction This is of dire importance, especially if you are thinking of harming
yourself. Depending upon what country you live in, there will be different Hotlines that you can call. Here are just a couple. USA 1-800-522-4700 UK 0845-6000-133 S Australia 1-800-060-757 S Whales 1-800-633-635 Hong Kong 852-1834-633 Sweden 020-819100 Germany 01801-776611 Canada 1-888-391-1111
If your country is not listed here.. go to Google and use the words gambling addiction help or hotline.. and your country and you should be able to contact someone.
If you are feeling suicidal, please realize that this is a permanant solution to a temporary problem. There is no going back for a second chance at life.
Please call a suicide hotline in your country immediately. People care.. they will help you through your crisis.
In addition, please contact a family member or friend. You most likely feel very isolated and alone right now. You need to be around people who care about you.
2. Promise yourself that you will not gamble.. at least for the next 24 hours. Gambling addiction effects our brain chemistry. While you are in action, your brain chemistry (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine) changes temporarily. You are most likely not thinking clearly and may be feeling very manic, anxious, ashamed, or depressed. You have got to stay away from gambling for several months before your brain chemistry truly goes back to normal. You will, however, feel better for each 24 hour period that you stay away from gambling.
3. Make sure that you nourish yourself properly. You may be dehydrated after gamblling for several hours, and you most likely lack proper nourishment. Have a good meal and plenty of water, even though you may have lost your appetite. Your body needs its' nourishment. This will also help your mood as well.
4. Go online and research the topic of gambling addiction. Learn as much as you can about the subject. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the better you will be able to help yourself through the crisis. Think about joining some Gambling Addiction Forums such as recoveryzone.org, revolutionhealth.com, femalegamblers.org, sfcghub.com are all great online forums where you maintain your anonymity. Also, check out gamblersanonymous.org for local groups that meet in person in your area.(If you have been to a meeting before, and relapsed, the group will welcome you back with open arms).
5. ***Forgive yourself****. Tell yourself that you will get better and that you will do whatever it takes to get free from the grip of this horrible addiction. Realize that you are not alone, and you are not weak or immoral. You have a gambling addiction that has taken control of you. There is hope.. and you will.. and can get better.
Best of luck to you.
About the Author
Michelle Tee http://www.gamblingaddiction.tv
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