Optimize Private Label Content To Make Money

by Dharmender Kumar

Any time I talk about writing articles, I hear people say things like "I don't have the ability to write" or "I'm a really good writer but I have a hard time with procrastination." Of course, I know that I can write, but to be honest, I don't have a lot of spare time and so I also have a problem with putting things off and never finishing them.

I'd much rather be spending my time surfing or snowboarding than sitting in front of my computer screen writing articles about topics that I have little interest in. What would you rather do: toil away all day on your computer writing article after article or simply rewrite some high quality articles, tie them together, make them look like your own and then do whatever it is you like to do?

If any of this rings true to you, then read these four ways that you can make private label content work for you as well and then be sure to read Part 2.

So, here are four of the top eight ways that you can make money from private label content:

1. Create quality mini eBooks that you can plug affiliate links into to generate big time affiliate income.

This is one of the things that I love to do! For example, let's say that on your website that you sell cigars. You buy private content about cigars that cigar aficionados would like then compile it into a mini eBook. Then load the eBook with links back to your website and encourage your customers to pass it along so that it will spread like a virus.

And if you get yourself a reframed then you can even take it a step further. What's a reframed? A reframed allows your affiliates to rebreed the eBook with their affiliate links. Talk about viral marketing! This is a win-win situation because it allows them to easily promote your website!

2. Offer some of the articles as a meaty report that your visitors can give away to promote your site. And you can help your affiliates make more money (and, in turn, more money for your website) by regrinding the report with a reframed.

According to top marketers, an average of seven contacts with a customer before they will order. A few people will order the first time, but more often than not, you will have to contact them 4+ times before they will order. The small problem is that you need their email address because they're not going to just hand it over... that's way you give them the free report.

What this report will do is build trust with your prospective customers such that they will want to do business with you. Because, after all, wouldn't you feel pretty good about a website or business that gave you a great free report? Of course it would!

3. Put together a content site and place your Google Adsense code into the pages for hands free income.

Let me tell you, I love Google Adsense! How's that? Well, you can make $5-10 for every website that you have... even if they consist of only 5 pages. Twenty little websites of only 5 pages each can make you $36,000+. A 25-page site can make me $25-50 per day... 365 days per year!

A small niche website plus submitting to article directories equals... well, you get the point. Simple. Awesome. Extremely lucrative. And with private label content... very little work!

4. With private label content packages, you get hundreds of articles across various niches every month so you can load up your articles to go out once a week and have a newsletter set for a year in advance.

If you are anything like me then you like to set things up once so that you never have to deal with them again That's why I buy two cases of toilet paper at Costco just once a year. Well, with private label content packages, you get hundreds of articles each month so you can do the same basic thing.

Now, you can take a little time to set up a newsletter once and then let it go out for the rest of the year automatically. Wouldn't that be spectacular? Every week, you could have money show in your pocket for something that you did months or years ago.

If you want to make money with private label content, then these four ways are an excellent starting point. That said, you really need to check out part 2 of this article because there are at least four other ways to generate income from private label content. To get part 2 of this article, all you have to do is click on one of the links below!

About the Author

For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website: - <a href="http://www.huge-niche-keywords.com">http://www.huge-niche-keywords.com <a href="http://www.niche-keywords.reprintarticlesite.com">http://www.niche-keywords.reprintarticlesite.com

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