The Facts About Vacuum Cleaners And Hepa Filtration

by Michael Swift

HEPA technology was originally developed for the U.S. nuclear program. This program required clean rooms and only HEPA technology could achieve it. HEPA filtration has since spread into the medical field, silicone chip processing, and other industries.HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Arrestance) filters 99.97 of particles down to 0.3 microns. By way of comparison, a human hair is roughly 40 microns. Obviously, the technology works very well indeed. However, a problem arises when these filters are used with products like vacuum cleaners.HEPA filters require a low air flow velocity. The HEPA filters used in vacuum cleaners are no different. Conversely, vacuum cleaners require high velocity air flow in order to do their job properly. The better the air flow the better the vacuum cleaner works. How do vacuum cleaner manufacturers solve this dilemma? They simply allow most of the air to bypass the filter. You, as the consumer, are not made aware of this fact. At this point, common sense tells us that HEPA filters have their place but it's not in vacuum cleaners. Is there an alternative that works? The answer to that question is a resounding yes.The Filtrete filter was designed by 3M to be used in products which require a high air velocity. Tests show that these filters perform as well, or better, than HEPA filtration in vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, and other products. Another major benefit is the cost of Filtrete filters.Replacing your vacuum cleaner's HEPA filter, according to manufacturer's recommendations, can end up costing hundreds of dollars per year. On the other hand, Filtrete filters are very reasonably priced. Filtrete filters can also be used in different ways.Vacuum cleaners which use the bag as the filter are less bulky, lighter, and more efficient. Filtrete makes filter bags for many different brands and types of vacuum cleaners. Bagged vacuum cleaners themselves are less expensive than models using HEPA filtration. You can purchase a quality, high suction vacuum cleaner with all the bells and whistles for less money by purchasing the bagged, non-HEPA version and use a Filtrete filter bag instead.The lessons we've learned here can be carried over into all areas of our lives. Don't believe everything they tell you. Just because a product is expensive and using high technology don't assume it's the best choice.

About the Author

Michael helps people worldwide make an informed decision when purchasing products for their home. provides consumer information price comparisons and user reviews on appliances, vacuum cleaners, and even outdoor products. Visit their website at:

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