Read How To Fight The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

by Spencer Hunt

Negative Health Effects From A Lack Of Sleep

If you are dealing with sleep deprivation, you are not alone. Almost 1/4 of America's adults, or 47 million adults, has some type of sleep deprivation. This condition can affect your emotional state, energy level, memory and mental abilities. As you may have noticed, this can eventually lead to depression, stress and irritability. There are other health implications that can afflict the body as a result of sleep deprivation. As the body is deprived of sleep, its ability to metabolize glucose declines, which leads to the early stages of diabetes. Furthermore, a even a healthy person will begin to show signs of premature aging.

Your sleep patterns can be interfered by the symptoms of sleep deprivation. As stress increases from lack of sleep, your ability to wind down and get adequate rest declines. As a person ages, they require less sleep. An infant, up to 24 months old requires 13 to 17 hours of sleep. But people who are 16 to 65 years old only need six to nine hours. These numbers can change from person to person though. Everyone is different and while some people may be just fine on three or four hours of sleep a night, others may need ten or even more.

Steps to Improving Your Nights Sleep...

Create a Bedtime Ritual - Take some time to relax and de-stress before you go to bed. Create some type of a bedtime ritual to prepare your mind and body for bed and create a break between the stresses of the day and your time of rest. Try some light reading, meditation, aromatherapy or a warm bath, anything that helps you unwind and get ready for sleep.

Stay Away From Caffeine - Everybody knows that caffeine is stimulant. That is why people take it in the morning to wake up. What may not be so apparent is how long caffeine can stay in a persons system. It can actually remain in your system for up to fourteen hours. You could still be awake at midnight, from a cup of coffee at noon. Avoid caffeine at least five to seven hours before going to bed.

Dont Use Alcohol to Help You Get to Sleep - Although alcohol may initially make you drowsy and make it easier to fall asleep, it can cause disturbances in sleep. This results in a less restful sleep.

Stay Away From Nicotine - Interestingly, many people do not view nicotine as a stimulant. After all, a smoke before bedtime feels so relaxing, right? Similar to caffeine in the system, Nicotine can keep you awake and cause you to wake during the night.

Make Your Bedroom a Place for Sleep - Lower the lights, keep the room cool (but not cold) and turn down the noise. Do everything that you can to make your bedroom a place conducive to sleep and relaxation.

Dont Leave the TV on to go to Sleep - When you watch TV in bed, you start associating the bed with non-sleep activities. This can make it difficult to fall asleep. Moreover, TV shows are based on conflict then resolution. Whether you realize it or not, this can be stressful to you on a subconscious level. Leaving the TV on while you sleep can also be detrimental to your getting adequate rest. Even as you sleep you can hear what is happening on the TV and a part of your subconscious can even process it, raising your stress levels and disrupting your sleep.

About the Author

Spencer Hunt works with people of all ages and walks of life. To learn about the science of glyconutrients, the product that he recommends, visit his glyconutrition site:

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