MLM Success Many That Teach Can't Do

When It Comes To MLM Training Don't Listen To Just Anybody

by Scott Miller

Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach! There's a good chance you've heard that before and when it comes to MLM or Network Marketing truer words have rarely been spoken.

Many MLM experts have never been successful in the industry at all. Let's say you're new to MLM and you obviously want to become successful, who do you listen to?

Be careful, many people that are teaching you how to become successful have never done what you are about to do. I don't know a thing about civil engineering but I could hire a ghostwriter to make me sound and look like an expert. I could hire an internet marketer to write a good sales letter and I'd be in business, I wouldn't know anything, but I could convince a lot of people to buy information from me.

There are millions of people looking for the keys to success in MLM. It's a huge market and an extremely lucrative market to sell to. That's why you'll see so many experts selling you their keys to success!

Some MLM experts have actually been in our industry but they were never successful. You'd never know it because they are good writers or speakers but if they were never successful how can they help you become successful?

So who should you listen to? A good friend of mine is fond of saying that "success leaves traces". Before you choose any company or sponsor you should look for the traces of success. If your potential upline has become an MLM success it should be obvious.

When choosing your upline make sure you ask them specific questions about how long they have been with the company and what system they have in place to help you become successful. If they are successful they won't be offended in any way, in fact they will be impressed because you will show them that you are sharper than many people who claim to be interested.

If you are told that success in MLM is easy or that you will be making a fortune overnight, run as fast as you can! Anybody that tells you that kind of garbage is only interested in lining their pockets and they have no desire to build a mutually beneficial long term relationship.

Are there MLM experts that you can trust? Absolutely. Dale Calvert made a fortune in MLM and is a great trainer. He has walked the walk and continues to talk the talk.

We suggest that you search for an upline mentor that has a system for you to follow. It's FREE and you won't be in conflict with what's already being taught. If you find yourself with an upline that doesn't care about you then you should find somebody in your upline who does care or search for an MLM expert and follow him or her.

Success leaves traces. You shouldn't have to pay to learn how to have success in MLM but if you do, take your time and make a wise decision.

About the Author

To get 5 FREE CD's that will help you grow any MLM business and find out more about Scott Miller visit

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