Diving the Zenobia

by Jakob Jelling

The Zenobia, in the surroundings of Cyprus, is a very interesting wreck for divers to meet due to its size as well as to the good conditions in which it is, usually described as intact. The Zenobia was a ship which was sunk in 1980 after suffering problems in its computer controlled system area.

Divers who wish to meet this wreck would have to dive about 42 meters into the water where it sleeps. An important part of it can be easily accessed and seen, although there are some areas where divers might find it almost impossible to be able to access them or explore them.

Once divers reach the Zenobia, they are able to see a ferryboat with one hundred and eight loaded articulated lorries. Each Zenobia's lorry was transporting different cagos, and still some of them can be observed just the way they were when the ship was sunken. This way, divers who approach the Zenobia's lorries could see cargos of objects such as toys, paint and eggs among many others.

The Zenobia's engine room is a legendary area among divers due to the difficulty it presents for them to reach it and have access to it. Some divers have been able to access this area after going through many difficulties, and it is not advisable for divers who do not count with an important amount of experience on their past to try to explore this area.

The Zenobia’s engine room has been almost unreachable for divers through the pass of time, and many of them have seen it as a challenge. This is due to the fact that, until a few time ago, this room’s entry point had remained hidden and divers had found it impossible to access this area unless they could find such point.

Cyprus is very strict on its rules regarding wrecks and the respect divers show for them. It is forbidden for divers to take a souvenir from the Zenobia or damage it any way. Thanks to this, this wreck has remained almost intact and nowadays visitors can observe it just the way it looked when it was just sunk.

About the Author

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.divepilot.com. Please visit his website to discover the world of diving!

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