Medas Islands and their amazing marine life

by Jakob Jelling

The Medas Islands are located at the Mediterranean Sea, more specifically in Spain, and are one of that region's diving spots where the most wide and beautiful marine life can be observed. This diving area concentrates an important amount of different fish species and marine creatures in general, and is very famous not only in the region but world wide as well.

These Spanish islands are two known as the Meda Gran and the Meda Petita, and both of them contain very interesting coastlines not only for diving but for some spots are propitious for snorkeling as well. Diving at Medas Islands can be a great experience for those divers who enjoy photographing underwater environments full of marine life due to the great variety of fish and marine creatures that live in this area.

Divers who visit the Medas Islands would find several different diving spots such as caves, tunnels and reefs in which they could enjoy not only the rock formations but the underwater environment that surrounds them as well. In this area, divers can observe a wide variety of marine life and formations such as corals which together offer a very beautiful picture for the visitor's eyes.

One of the main Medas Islands' diving spots which divers who enjoy cave dicing should not miss is the Dolphin Cave. The Dolphin Cave or cavern is a very broad passage which could be described as a tunnel due to the fact that has two entrances and divers can go from one point to the other by diving it. It does not take a high amount of diving expertise to be able to go through this cave due to the fact that it is of a big size and does not offer any important obstacle.

According to some studies that have been done in this Mediterranean area, this spot's underwater currents, winds and rich waters are very favorable for marine life development. This way, this spot contains a much broader marine life than others of the region and is full of many marine creatures of different types.

About the Author

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website to discover the world of diving!

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