Niche marketing

How to Build an Internet Empire

by Bill Edwards

Niche marketing. by, Bill Edwards

Unless you have been on Mars for the last few months you must of heard of niche marketing. Well you may wonder what's all the fuss about. Niche marketing has been around for a long time. It was not invented by the internet.

What is niche marketing? Well the people that sell "Leggs" pantyhose are niche marketers. They sell to a very select group. Women...mostly.

The people that make and sell dog food, are niche marketers. They sell to pet owners. I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

I am going to tell you how to cash in on the current internet marketing craze, "Niche Marketing".

No matter what niche you choose you will have a targeted market. And a market that is ready to spend money. That market will be looking for your product. They will have an interest in your product, and what you have to say about it.

In order to make money in "niche marketing" you must have certain things available to you.

First: Your own domain.

You must have your own domain name. In order to make real money in "niche marketing" you must have your own domain name. I cannot stress this too much. Not or, but your own domain ( Too many people try to use a free web site from Hotyellow,AOL, Angelfire, Geocities, MSM, or one of the other free hosting companies where they place their ads all over your web site. Sure, someone could start out that way, BUT you will put yourself at a major disadvantage right from the get-go. Although a few people new to the Internet may purchase from you at a free web site, those who have been online for a decent amount of time will see you as someone who isn't too serious about selling online or worse a scam artist.

Having your own domain name gives you a little bit more credibility in the eyes of your visitors. As I will discuss later on in this report. Credibility in your most important product. If you do not have credibility you cannot sell your product, no matter what it is. The second advantage of owning your own domain is that it puts you in control of your own destiny, and makes you look like a professional. Each niche product you sell must have its own domain name. Most all of the really good ".com" domain names are taken. However there are still some good ".biz", and ".info" name available for about $2.00 per/year At one time the online "gurus" said ".com" is the only way to go because people almost automatically type ".com". Well nowadays most people just click on a link it does not matter what the extension is. Also the search engines will give you better results if you are selling watches when your domain is "" then if your domain is ""

So go over to someone like and get a domain name. There are other good domain registration sites. I have been using for over four years and am happy with them. I do not recommend "" some of my fellow internet marketers have been having problems with them. After you have gotten a domain name(s) you will need a good quality host. Where to host your niche websites. There are literally thousands of hosting companies out there. Some are good some are bad. Hosting niche websites and getting all the features you need while keeping our operation costs low, is the main goal. You want a host that is not going to cost you an arm and a leg, to build an Internet niche empire. Remember you want to have as many true domain names as possible. In order to do this at a reasonable price you will need a resellers account. The best reseller's account I've found after search the 'Net for over two years is; this one fits all my needs.

Here for one low price (less than $10.00 per/month) you can host an unlimited amount of web sites each with it's own true domain name. All with one account. This is called a resellers account. You pay one small fee, and set-up your first web domain. When you go to your control panel you will see where you can set-up and control an unlimited amount of web domains. You can use it to set-up web sites for any and all of the products no matter what they are. You will then have enough room left over to sell web space, and make money from your reseller's account.

For less than $10.00 a month you will get 5000 Megabytes of Disk space. Unlimited;Domains, sub-domains, FTP accounts, MySQL databases, and a whole bunch more. So do yourself a favor and go have a look for your self. I think you will like it.

If you need ready made niche web sites let me know I can be reached at bill[at] (spambots are bad) just put nichwebs in the subject. ess!

About the Author

Bill Edwards Author of many articles on autoresponders, and marketing. You can find more of his articles at; Bill is also the creator of "Autoresponder Letter" A years worth of Private label email letters and tips to fill your autoresponder and create sales.

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