Top 10 Directories to Submit Your Website To

by Anik Singal

Adding your new site to the major directories is a key task if you want to build traffic and page ranking. While the list below is not exhaustive, it will get you well underway in your directory listings.

A few points to keep in mind as you add your site to these directories:

• Directories are not search engines. Directories are edited and managed by human beings, whereas search engines are programs that troll the web looking for pages. Your site might be recommended to a directory by one of the site editors, or a very enthusiastic fan of your site, but most likely you will have to introduce yourself if you want to make a directory’s list.

• Be sure the directory is indexed in the major search engines. A quick search at Google, Yahoo & MSN will do. • Be sure the directory is not banned by Google. You probably won’t get flagged by Google if you are listed there, but the risk is too great – there are hundreds of other places for your link.

• Page Rank isn’t everything. Don’t skip sites just because they have a low page rank. While Page Rank is extremely helpful, it changes over time. A directory with a PR of 3 this month could jump to 6 next month. Also, take note of the Page Rank of the specific page of the directory your site will be listed on. Just like it says, Page Rank is for pages, not for sites. A directory could have a PR of 7, but the page your link appears on might be a humble 1.

• Directories are not overnight traffic. Look around the submission guidelines and to see how long the editors will take to review your site. Free sites can take up to four months to get approved.

• Go after the older directories first. Google values a site’s age, and you should to. • Review the directory’s guidelines and don’t abuse them. Don’t submit your site every week. Don’t add an unrelated site to a niche directory. Don’t try to trick the editors into adding your site to more than one category if that goes against the guidelines.

Now that you know the basics of evaluating and submitting to directories, here’s a short list of the top sites:

General directories:

1) Yahoo The world’s best-known directory. This free listing form may take months to result in a link back to your site, but it is well worth a try.

2) DMOZ This is the granddaddy of all directories, and is greatly respected by Google and the other major search engines. Listings are free, but the wait can be long. According to the DMOZ site, expect your site to appear in the listings at Google, AOL and other major engines about 2 weeks after you’re listed in DMOZ.

3) Zeal. A free listing after you register. Zeal is owed by Looksmart.

4) Best of the Web Requires a $49.95 yearly fee, or a $149.95 one-time fee. Online since 1994. Listing pages usually have a page rank of 4.

5) Directory World Requires a reciprocal link, but is otherwise free. Good page ranks for listing pages.

6) Clickey A free link. Also sorts companies by country.

7) Seoma Requires registration and a $15 paypal fee for a link, but the high page ranks make it a bargain (compared to buying a text link).

8) ExactSeek A free link at an established site. You can also upgrade to a “top ten ranking” for $12.

9) What You Seek Standard submissions cost $24.99 and will be posted in eight weeks. Velocity submit takes two days and costs $49.99.

10) Really First One of the largest directories with over 40,000 links. Poor navigation, but a free link if you add their link to your site.

This not an exhaustive list, but a great start. Also, remember, if you have a new site, getting listed here will help your website get indexed by search engines.

About the Author

This article has been authored by Anik Singal, an extremely successful and young internet entrepreneur and affiliate marketing consultant. Anik has developed his own affiliate marketing system that helped him earn over $10,466 in 60 days – Enroll in his FREE course today...

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