Hammocks From the Mayan Civilization

by Alicia McWilliams

Hammocks that draw their history from the Mayan civilization are said to have been made as early as 3,000 years ago. These hammocks are considered as the first hammocks developed. With many other inventions attributed to the Mayans, it is no surprise that hammocks, which are portable beds, are one of the things they invented.

These hammocks were the first pieces of home furniture to be moved off the floor. This allowed the person sleeping to keep out of the way of snakes and other creepy crawlers that pose threats to human beings. With sleeping accommodations above the ground, it allowed them to remain clean and dry. This also resulted in better ventilation that kept the person sleeping stay cool.

To date, the descendants of the Mayans continue to make hammocks using traditional methods, as well as a variety of keepsakes and memorabilia that visitors can give to their loved ones back home. The best of locally made hammocks are cotton-made from the Yucatan area in Mexico. What makes these hammocks so unique is that these are made from more than a mile of cotton thread that helps allow the hammock to move and flex with the body.

Unlike the regular hammocks, Mayan hammocks do not have an integrated spreader bar, allowing the hammock to follow the form your body takes when you lie on it. This makes it easier to pack and store the hammock during a hiking or car trip. These Mayan hammocks also make for excellent spare sleeping arrangements and decorative accents. They make for excellent indoor and outdoor hammocks, with enough durability and ease-of-use when attaching and setting up on trees or against walls and beams.

Get a hammock in a size that will correspond to the number of people who will use it. Single sized ones are fine if you're the only one who will use it; for couples, queen-sized hammocks may be appropriate.

In addition to their functionality, Mayan hammocks are available in a variety of lively colours that may just make it more difficult to pick one when all of them appear so pretty before you. With this variety, you will likely find something to suit your taste. Remember that when used outdoors, these hammocks may show some slight colour fading from sun exposure.

While cotton is conducive for mildew growth in damp environments, hammocks made from cotton dry fast when it is spread open. Make sure to store the hammock only when it has dried out naturally and completely.

Cotton Mayan hammocks woven by the descendants of the Mayan race make for excellent memorabilia should you visit Mexico. Once you've brought it home, you have an eye-catching yet functional hammock that you can use. They are useful not only as places to rest and sleep, but also as centrepieces for interior design.

About the Author

Find out more practical tips and useful information about hammock, swing hammock or swing at http://hammocks.bestofresults.com if you don't to make mistakes and go through some painful experience.

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