How Do You Get a Guy to Like You?
If you have had bad luck getting a guy to show any interest in you, I can understand your frustration. The age old question, "How do you get a guy to like you?" cannot be overlooked when it comes to meeting and keeping guys.
Perhaps you leave bad first impressions when it comes to dating and don't realize it. Unfortunately, it's very easy to make a bad impression when you first meet someone on a date or in any social gathering with the opposite sex.
For these women, here are 5 basic dating tips that may help:
1. Look good on your date.
Taking a shower isn't enough. Wearing a nice outfit that is comfortable for you and well suited for your date is a good factor in looking and feeling presentable. Use some perfume or cologne to add up to your spice. Most men can't resist asking women who look good on a first date for a second one.
2. Never be late.
Sometimes, it's okay for women to be late due to the rituals involved when it comes to dressing up and wearing makeup. It is fine for men to wait for a bit since this helps men to prepare for the date and loosen up a little.
3. Be lady-like and respectable.
Let the men become gentlemen. Don't force them to be one. If they want to open the door for you, let them. When the door is open, pass through first. If they pull the chair for you, allow them to do so and thank them for the manly act. Keep in mind to thank your date for every manly effort he does in order to assure him that you are acknowledging him as a gentleman.
4. Offer to pay.
It is a respectable gesture to help out on your dating expenses. But if your date insists to pay for everything, don't resist.
When you go on a date there are certain things and ways you should behave. Of course you want the person to get to know you so you shouldn't try and be someone that you are not.
But unfortunately, men are very sensitive about how women behave and what is acceptable and what is not. It can make or break the date if you have some kind of quirky behavior that turns him off completely.
If that happens, he'll never tell you, and you may think the date is going along fine when it's not. He's just being polite and waiting for it to end.
That is often why so many girls find themselves asking "Why hasn't he called (or texted) me?" after a date they thought was successful.
About the Author
So, "how DO you get a guy to like you"? The world is filled with broken hearts of devastated women who don't know the simple, but powerful secrets to attracting a man. Once you have this knowledge in your pocket, you'll have plenty of guys who want you and will be fighting other guys to be your boyfriend. Take my word for it! Read Part 2 of this article at:
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