Lead Generation Using Traffic Exchanges. Do They Work?

by Tamy James

Getting free traffic to your website is a lot of work. If you don't have the money to spend on full blown PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns like Google AdWords, free traffic exchanges are a great way to get the traffic you need.

You have probably come across traffic retailers selling 100,000 visitors to your website at an amazingly low price. Be careful, when it comes to these types of offers.

Seasonal traffic fluctuations are a recent phenomenon. The first few years of Internet usage saw such rapid growth in both the number of users and the number of pages visited, that seasonal variations were hardly noticeable. In recent years, however, Internet growth rates have slowed dramatically as the United States and the rest of the world crawls towards the user saturation point.

Buy traffic - There is one fast way to deliver traffic by the thousands to your website within 24 hours. Buy traffic from traffic brokers. Most traffic brokers show your website as a full page pop-under without the internet explorer bar on selected type of geo targeting and category.

Lead Generation Using Traffic Exchanges

Leads have always been the lifeblood of any business. If you have no leads, you have no business. Everyone knows that, but the thing killing everybody out there is how to get leads for your business without going broke in the process.

There are many ways to drum up business, but the focus of this article is the use of viral techniques you can use to create leads for your business.

Viral marketing comes in many shapes and sizes, but the best way to get started with viral marketing fast is to use traffic exchanges. The problem that people run into with traffic exchanges is they try to use some self-replicated website, thinking that if they just show the page enough, someone will buy.

Sorry, but this doesn't work. I have used traffic exchanges for years, and I can tell you straight up that they work and work for one purpose only: LEAD GENERATION.

So, how do you use traffic exchanges for lead generation?

Similar to browsers who walk into the high street shops to "Touch and Feel" the merchandise.

First a little about Search Engine Optimization. A complete book could be written about this, (and many have) but I will cover the basics.

Time spent configuring the code in each of your web pages prior to search engine submission will pay dividends in the long run. Not only should the META TAGS in each page be optimised for each key search engine, but care an attention should be paid to the ratio of 'keywords' to page content, and the use of 'ALT' and 'Header' tags for example.

The important thing to note for online businesses is that decreased traffic doesn’t necessarily have to mean decreased profits. Make the most out of summer Internet traffic and prepare your site for fall and winter traffic increases. Now is the perfect time to update and optimize your site.

It's actually quite simple. All you have to do is set up a simple page like this with an opt-in box. You have the right to copy this page if you want. Just right click on the page, and you will see the menu pop up. From there, click on Source or View Page Source, and you can copy and paste that HTML and modify it with your details.

You will also need an autoresponder service to handle your leads. I highly recommend SendFree for this purpose. They have a free 30-day trial on their Premium Service, which is nice because you will need a little time to start getting leads for your list.

Now, go and find some traffic exchanges and promote that lead generation page in those exchanges.

This works. It absolutely works like a charm. We get lots of subscribers using this page with exchanges. However, it's a bit tiring to use the exchanges EXCEPT MillionDollarTraffic. This the best exchange we have used because the pages simply pop up for you. Here is an Action Plan you can use to help you get started getting your own leads from MDT. Compare SEO Elite and get free SEO Elite Software download today

Do not make the mistake of including the URL of your internet opportunity on each and every manual traffic exchange you are participating....instead...use some of your traffic exchange affiliate links to derive the benefits of residual traffic in the long run.

Generating traffic is not an easy task. You have to contend with a great number of sites to generate a good number of traffic flow. But if done successfully this could open up a Pandora's Box of possibilities. One of the benefits is monetizing your traffic flow.

Search engines love free traffic exchanges because of all the incoming and outgoing links they generate. Plus the rapidly changing content is another reason the search bots love these things.

Meta tags are what search engines are looking for so it can include your site in the top results. Putting up meta tags in your HTML code is an advanced website traffic tactic that must not be missed! Low cost you ask? Oh yeah!

About the Author

Compare SEO Elite and get free SEO Elite Software download today at http://seoelite.trustedreviews.info/

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