So What Is The Solution To The MLM Challenge?

by Jon Roussel

There is no easy and rapid solution to the challenges of the MLM and network marketing industry. Here is what I have learned to do to avoid some of the pitfalls

AVOID PITFALLS Have a strong "why". If you do not have a deeply felt, personal, "gut level" reason for wanting to accomplish your goal, you will struggle. Do whatever it takes to get it. Your why is not: get out of debt, retire early, etc. Your why is that deep level emotional and spiritual reason why you want to accomplish your goal. Put your goals in writing. Make them SMART. Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. I have annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly goals, that I put in writing in a three ring notebook. I share, actually, email my goals to my mentors. Goals, as Jim Rohn says, provide the roadmap fpr where you want to go. Learn to dream. I have a dream board and paste pictures of the house I want to live, car I want to drive, where I want to vacation. Treat your business like a business. That means you must learn how to and must always behave as a professional. It is not a hobby. Act like a business owner and people will treat you like one. Study, practice and teach business fundamentals. I have made it a daily practice to learn study and apply best practices in business networking, small business/home business accounting, taxes, prospecting, internet etiquette, approaching and so forth. Study, practice and teach personal development. Jim Rohn says the reason for accomplishing a goal is what it will make of you as a person. I read a book per week, listen to CDs, teleclasses and webcasts. Work harder on yourself than you do your job and your network marketing business. Be coachable and find a mentor. Why reinvent the wheel? Why behave like all of the other network marketers? I have three mentors who I call every day to discuss my personal development and business activities and results. I hold myself accountable and so do they. Become a "product of the products". You must develop and build your belief by using your company's products as often as possible. With my company, we encourage our business partners to start with a home conversion pack to sample as many products as possible. This is how we help them build belief and establish credibility.

INCREASE YOUR SKILLS Becoming a better leader, networker, coach, and mentor seemed an obvious goal for me. That is easier said than done. Here are some training resources that have helped me increase my skills and knowledge: One of the best known trainers in the industry, John Milton Fogg, provides a comprehensive site. Networking University includes many tools and trainings from top trainers, as well as a certification program:. Fortune Now is a well known site by "Big Al" aka Tom Schreider Kim Klaver built a large NSA business. She now offers a newsletter, blog and training. Michael Oliver offers a free e-course at Natural Selling.

About the Author

About the author: Jon Roussel is a five year veteran of the network marketing and home based business industry. He owns a business in Beverly, MA and teaches business owners and others how to start and succeed with a home based business that will generate a long term reliable leveraged residual income. Subscribe to his newsletter at

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