How to increase on line traffic by getting into Google’s index

Step by Step to increase on line traffic

by Juan Richardson

---------- Getting into the Google index can be easier said than done with a new website and if you are unsure of what to do. However, the paramount way to increase on line traffic is by getting ranked in the search engines. Of all of the search engines to get ranked in, Google is the paramount by far, commanding approximately half of all searches done on the worldwide web. By getting into Googles index, you will increase on line traffic. Pursue the method we sketch below, and you will achieve this.

The first and most essential step is to get a lot of pages as you can possibly get indexed. To make certain each and every page is indexed its significant that the copy on every page is unique. This is best achieved by having the copy on your website written in your own words. If you dont the time to do this, then locate someone who can do it for you, even if you have to pay them. By taking this step at this time, you will have a greater probability of staying out of Googles supplementary index. The supplementary index is similar to a second index, that Google does not employ for its search results, for the reason that it views those pages as duplicate copy. The only time a supplemental page will rank is if there are not a sufficient amount of search results returned, then Google will resort to pages in the supplemental index.

After you have finished the earlier step, then the subsequent step is to get a link from a PR6 or higher site that is crawled repeatedly by Google. You simply have to have this link long enough for Google to locate your site. You can pay for a PR6 link for a few months, that ought to be plenty of time for Google to crawl this site and subsequently locate your site.

If you can not manage to pay fora link from a PR6 or higher site, and they dont come cheap, in that case the next best way to get into Googles index is to do a directory submission. You locate as many free directory sites that are indexed by Google and that allow free listings and you submit your site to them. As Google crawls these directory sites, Googlebot will sooner or later locate your link and follow it back to your site. To locate free directories to submit your link to you can do a search on Google for free directories or check out our resource box below for a few resources. A few directory services will submit your site to more than 400 directories. It doesnt imply that your site will get accepted into each of those directories, nevertheless there is a good prospect you will get accepted into a lot of them. This will also enlarge your link reputation and the page rank back to your site. Which in turn will increase on line traffic.


About the Author

Directory submission service to over 400+ directories. Get backlinks and more page rank. Please visit our website now to begin to increase on line traffic to your site. We also offer a free list of directories you can use to submit your site to.

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