Spontaneous Recovery-The Good And Bad Facets Often Observed

by Joey Young

In psychology and medicine, spontaneous recovery is a complicated terminology. For many people it may sound as a positive aspect since recovery means feeling better from a disease, ailment and disorder. However, this is not always the situation as it is thought that the term may refer to both positive and negative factors depending on the condition that is recovered. In some instances this can be baffling to many medical experts.

In certain areas of psychology, particularly the one that deals with the behavior, spontaneous recovery is more on conditioning. This is when an individual builds up a unique kind of behavior that serves no purpose in his life. The assumption is that because this behavior is useless, the person will technically get rid of it. However, in certain cases professionals viewed that these behaviors which was decided to be removed were still practiced by the person. Moreover, most of them was said to be spontaneously recovered by the person without any purpose to do so.

Spontaneous recovery can be observed negatively on group of alcoholics who have effectively get rid of their addictive behavior after a safe detox from alcohol long term alcohol addiction treatment but has developed another habit that made them drink again. Many people believed that alcoholism in a person never totally dies and it will always be there even if the individual has stopped drinking. Medical experts sometimes considered recovery from drugs and alcohol addiction as spontaneous. This is believed that it has to do with the old recovered behavior that influences them to use drugs and consume alcohol even if the physical cravings have been eliminated.

Positively, spontaneous recovery in medicine can be revealed in a person who suddenly gets well even without seeking a medication from recovery centers. This can also be observed in patients who have recovered from a disease earlier than what his medical treatment program has stated. Spontaneous recovery can be also applied to sufferers who were expected to last for longer periods of time to promote a recovery but have rapidly recovered unexpectedly.

Some patients with medical issues such as stroke are observed to have a recovery of spontaneous nature as their physical deficits and ability to normally speak are lost. Some proof is also observed in serious medical cases that include stuttering and autism where the body will just miraculously heal it by itself.

There are many cases of spontaneous recovery in medicine which have been studied especially those that have promoted unforeseen healing. However, information in the analysis is inadequate enabling experts to gather more explanation.

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